85 Search Results For keep alive

KB297 Keep Alive Power Jack For DT200 & BT2 on Big Boy Set

Keep Alive Power Jack (For DT200 & BT2) When the layout is powered down we recommend that you change the DT200 that is running as the Command Station to Advanced Throttle mode so it can power down and conserve its battery. Do this by pressing Run/Stop & Left Arrow keys together. All other Advanced Throttles on LocoNet will power down and show "idLE" when the LocoNet bus wires (pins 3 and 4 of the RJ12 plug) fall below +5Volts for more than 1/4 of a second. If the RailSync lines on LocoNet (pins 1 and 6 of the RJ12 plug) ...

KB935 CV49-CV56 - FX Special Effects

Decoders with FX function features have 4 user configurable, independent special effects generators. All current production Digitrax Decoders use FX3 functions so this article is not applicapable to these decoders. CAUTION: Decoders with FX3 function generators use different CVs to control the decoder outputs. All current production Digitrax decoders use FX3 function CVs. Before using these CVs to program your decoders make sure that they are FX and not FX3 decoders.The Real FX effects are set up by programming CV values as described below.F1/F2 NOTE: If using DH142, DN142, DN141K2, DN149K2 series decoder, when F1 is set up for FX, ...

KB435 DT400 - Shut Down and Resume Procedures for Command Stations

Some users prefer to “dispatch” or release all addresses active in their system before shutting down. This can prevent unexpected results when you power up the layout again. 1. Turn track power off: Press the PWR Key followed by the N - Key , the Track Power Indicator on the DT400 and the Track Status Indicator on your command station will go off. 2. Move the command station’s “MODE” switch to the “SLEEP” position. 3. Turn off the power supply to the system. The power to the command station can be left on all the time if desired. In “sleep” ...

KB589 SDN144K0A Installation Questions-Capacitor Installation

SDN144K0A installation question about the capacitorIs the 100microF capacitor needed? Or is it only for use in the Kato E8B unit when both LEDs are removed? If it is part of the installation, what size hole doesit need for mounting? The 100uF capacitor is required for all installations.  The capacitor provides keep alive voltage to the decoder.  This is important when the locomotive runs over a section of dirty track or is traveling through a non powered (insul-frog) turnout.  On non-sound equipped locomotives, typically you will not see the locomotive hesitate or lose power when it encounters dirty track.  With ...

KB99 Shutting Down & Resuming with the DB150

Shutting Down the System When you are finished with your sessionDispatching All Locomotive Addresses Some users prefer to “dispatch” or release all addresses active in their system before shutting down. This can prevent unexpected results when you power up the layout again. 1. Turn track power off: Press the PWR Key followed by the N - Key , the Track Power Indicator on the DT400 and the Track Status Indicator on your command station will go off. 2. Move the DB150 command station’s “MODE” switch to the “SLEEP” position. 3. Turn off the power supply to the system. Leaving the ...

KB404 UR90 Infrared Receiver Frequently Asked Questions

How Many UR90 Infrared receivers will I need?One UR90 should provide complete coverage if your room is typical, with a hard surface floor and finished walls and ceiling. However, several things can cause the need for additional UR90s, such as: larger room, odd shaped room, acoustical ceiling, carpeted floors, or book shelves or other things on the walls that can interfere with the infrared signal. How many more you'll need depends on how many of these "impediments" are in your layout room. This Infrared signal should be considered to be line-of-sight, but the IR signal does reflect off of other objects, thus the concern ...

KB405 UR91 Simplex Radio Receiver Frequently Asked Questions

Simplex Radio Coverage One UR91 should provide full coverage for a typical model railroad under most circumstances. Simplex Radio reception is affected by metal objects between the throttle and UR91 simplex receiver, or large metal objects adjacent to the receiver; a furnace is one example of such an object. Such objects cause a second reflected signal, impairing the radio throttle signal's ability to reach the UR91. In this case, the receiver gets the signal directly from the throttle, then another signal right on top of it from the reflection. Moving the UR91 to another location may solve this problem, or you ...

KB934 CV50- CV52, CV62-CV63 & CV113-CV116 FX3 Special Light Effects

Decoders with FX3 features have 8 user configurable, independent special effects generators.  All current production Digitrax Decoders use FX3 function features. These are set up by programming CV values as described below.  If your decoder is not a Series 3 decoder, please check the spec sheet to determine which type of functions it supports.FX3 functions incorporate FX generators with additional dynamic and static qualifiers.  FX3 functions are fully remappable so they can be controlled by any function key on your system.  A master light switch can be set up to turn off all lights on a locomotive. Functions associated with advanced ...

KB192 Configuration Variables Used in Digitrax Mobile Decoders

CV # Use Decoder DefaultValue ValueRange CV01 Address All 01-9999 01-127 * CV02 Start Voltage All 001 0-255; higher is more voltage CV04 Acceleration Rate All 000 0 - 31 CV04 Deceleration Rate All 000 0 - 31 CV05 Maximum Voltage Gen4 - 0 (disabled) 1 - 255; lower is slower CV06 Midpoint Voltage All 0 (disabled) 1 - 255 CV07 Manufacturer's Version ID All Variable - CV08 Manufacturer's ID, Decoder Reset All FX3 129 08 to reset,09 reset leave speed tables CV13 DC Functions "On" FX, not on FX3 - See decoder documentation CV15 Decoder Lock FX3 000 See ...

KB184 Mobile Decoder Naming Convention and Decoder Numbers

Current production Digitrax decoders use the following numbering system: The first character means that it is a digital decoder. This is always a “D”. The second character indicates the decoder’s physical size. This is based on the smallest "scale" the decoder is designed to fit. This will be a Z, N, H, or G. The third character is the current rating of the decoder. This will be a 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5. We designate 1.25 & 1.5 amp decoders as 1s and 3.5 amp decoders as 3s for simplicity. The fourth character indicates how many functions, including directional ...

KB359 LNRP - Q&A

1) Does the LNRP terminate and re-time the LocoNet data signal in both directions? Yes 2) Does the LNRP repower the LocoNet data lines for each segment? Yes 3) What happens to the signal on a protected segment when there is a fault on an adjacent segment? Nothing, it keeps going 4) What happens RailSync on a protected segment when there is a fault on an adjacent segment? Nothing, it keeps going 5) What do the various diagnostics/error indicators really do? They monitor and report the protected sides. A Digitrax PS14 power supply is required for correct operation.

KB113 Boosters and Power Management

What is the difference between boosters and power management? A Booster is the device that provides the electrical power to the railroad. Most Digitrax command stations have a combined booster. The command station generates the DCC signal then sends it through a booster to the layout. A small model railroad may only have the command station and booster, while a large railroad will have numerous boosters. Multiple boosters provide more power to larger layouts.Additional boosters receive the DCC signal from the command station via LocoNet. Power management usually refers to the devices which act as circuit breakers and power distributors. ...

KB522 Zephyr - Running 10 Locomotives at a time

Q:  I want to buy the Zephyr. I have read the manual, read articles on the Tech Support Depot, but I still find it confusing. So, here's my question: Can you run multiple trains at the same time with the Zephyr, without additional throttles, each locomotive performing a different task, and if so, am I right in assuming that this can be done by punching in the locomotive address, adjusting the throttle and direction, and when I punch in another address, the previous locomotive will keep on doing whatever it was doing until I punch its number again and change ...

KB615 Soldering Basics

Basic tools for soldering: a soldering iron, solder, wire cutters, wire strippers, tweezers, heat sinks, etc. This photo does not show an example of desoldering braid which is useful for touch ups and removing mistakes. If you are building a model railroad, you will need to learn to solder. This skill is used for attaching track feeds to the rails to provide power to the layout, for installing decoders in locomotives, for building locomotives and signals and much more. Manufacturers minimize the need to solder where ever possible by using screw connectors, board repalcement decoders and plugs for installing decoders. ...

KB388 DZ121 for the N-Scale Life-Like SW1200

Prior to Disassembly Test the Decoder All Digitrax decoders are tested for proper operation before they leave the factory, but sometimes strange things happen. Therefore to insure your decoder is covered under our warranty policy, please give it a thorough test BEFORE you cut the wires. Test Run the Locomotive Be sure it runs correctly in both directions with no unusual noises or binding in the motor-gear train. If it checks out OK, then: Get Ready Before you start, get your tools and supplies together for this project. You will need the following items: DECODER TESTER - Such as the ...

KB96 DB150 Slot Management for 22 Addresses

The DB150 has 22 “Slots” for locomotive addresses The DB150 command station can run up to 22 loco addresses and throttles at a time. Each of these addresses occupies one of 22 “slots” available in the DB150’s memory. Once those 22 slots are full the system will display the “slot=max” message to let you knot that you need to release some locos if you want to select and run others. The DB150 manages the addresses that occupy slots by assigning different statuses to each decoder depending on how it is being used in the system. This allows the DB150 to ...

KB44 UR91 (Simplex Radio Receiver) - Upgrade to UR92 (Duplex Radio Transceiver)?

Can a UR91 be returned and upgraded to a UR92? No. Our recommendation is that when upgrading to the DT402 throttle, the layout owner purchase a new UR92, but keep the UR91 installed for those who still have the simplex radio throttles. That way anybody can run on the layout.

KB267 Super Empire Builder- DB150 Beeps 5 Times

If the DB150 beeps 5 times and shuts down briefly and then comes back on again. It is probably being run too close to its pre-set current limit. To solve this problem, reduce the track current load by setting up additional power districts to provide more total power for the layout. In this case excess current consumption may clip or mutilate some outgoing packets to keep the track current within acceptable limits.

KB421 DT400 Series Tetherless Operation - Fast Clock

When using the fast clock option, the DT400 series will keep track of and display fast time based on the last synchronized system fast time when the DT400 was connected to LocoNet. If the fast time is edited by another throttle connected to LocoNet, the DT400/R will not see this change until it is plugged into LocoNet at which time its display will be updated.

KB535 Twisted Feeders- Yes or No?

Some internet experts INSIST that DCC bus wires must be twisted, presumably to prevent crosstalk and interference. Is this required by Digitrax?Digitrax does not require twisted wires on feeders etc, but suggests appropriate wire sizes and keeping feeder run lengths to a minimum because of resistance/power loss issues.

KB820 Zephyr - Frequent Shutdowns

If the Zephyr DCS50 repeatedly shuts down briefly and then comes back on again, it is probably being run too close to its pre-set current limit of 2.5 Amps or it may be overheating due to restricted air flow to the bottom of the unit. In this case it may clip or mutilate some outgoing packets of information to keep the track current within acceptable limits.To solve this problem, reduce the track current load by running fewer locomotives or setting up additional power districts and adding more boosters to provide more power for the layout.  With more sound decoder equipped ...

KB1020 RD2 wire length

The RD2 allows Remote Sensing of 2 Detection sections.  It eliminates the need for long runs of Heavy gauge wire to the BDL168. 1. Mount the RD2 as close to the detection section as possible to keep heavy wire to a minimum. 2. Make sure both detections sections of the RD2 are connected to the same zone of the BDL168. 3. Light gauge (26AWG) wire can be used for the 3 output connections running from the RD2 back to the BDL168. The RD2 can be located up to 200' away from the BDL168. 4. Heavy gauge (18AWG) wire should be ...

KB273 DS64 - Fulgurex Switch Motors

For some reason it is not possible to successfully operate Fulgurex point motors with a DS64. Tortoise work fine. We have determined that the Fulgurex motor draws too much current for the DS64. Published sources describe the Fulgurex motor as needing 400 Ma for operation, which is well beyond the capacity of the DS64. When the DS64 tries to operate Fulgurex motor, the excess current draw appears to be a short circuit and the DS64 shuts down to protect itself. The Tortoise, while also a slow motion point motor, is "on" all the time since it is a stall-type motor. ...

KB370 LED Lights in Locomotives

I have this N-scale Proto A/B unit. I went to install the decoder in the A unit to the headlight, its an LED. My question is that once it was wired up and place on the track, I hit my headlight function and the light lit up then burnt out. This is my first wired decoder I ever installed with a head light. Can you tell me how to properly wire the led headlight to the DZ123 decoder so the light doesn't burn out? In looking at the DZ123 Decoder sheet, it suggests that I check the Decoder Manual for ...

KB634 DT300 - Power Save Mode

If an untethered DT300, operating as a tetherless throttle, detects no user throttle activity for about 3 minutes it will enter power save mode. The display will show: The throttle may flash the normal Lo (Loco) Mode screen about every 60 seconds. This happens when the throttle “pings” the system to let the command station know that it is still part of the system. This keeps the system from releasing that locomotive back to the system and making it available to be selected by another throttle.Any key strokes or movement of the throttle knobs will bring the DT300 out of ...

KB530 Intermittent Locomotive Operation - Dirty Track & Dirty Wheels

Most intermittent operation faults on all layouts, not only DCC ones, are caused by bad electrical connections and poor wheel pickups on locomotives.  Poor electrical contact causes problems with sound decoder operation in particular.  Sound decoder installations usually include a capacitor to store energy to keep the sound going when the decoder briefly loses electrical contact.   When the track is dirty or corroded, it can't transmit the electricity and DCC signal needed to run locomotives.  When the locomotive pick ups are dirty or corroded, they can't pick up the signal from the track.  Check your track cleanliness and quality of wheel pickups ...

KB441 Customizing the DT400 Option #3 - Recall Stack Depth

The DT400 recall feature can be configured to keep a list of the last 4, 8, or 16 addresses that were previously selected in the throttle. The number of locomotive addresses stored is determined by changing the values of Option 3 of the DT400; the default setting is 4. It is not possible to clear out the stored locomotive information held in the stack. Locomotives in the Recall Stack rotate out as newer locomotives are selected, usually on a FIFO (First In, First Out) basis, but there may be exceptions. For many users, searching the Recall Stack may complicate matters ...

KB1057 PR4-Legacy IPL Mode

If you are experiencing problems IPL updating legacy products with your PR4 we recommend using this mode.  Some legacy product use slower processors that cannot keep pace with the speed of the PR4.  This issue has been most prominent when IPL updating DT402 series throttles.  To enable Legacy IPL mode on the PR4 ensure you have the latest PR4 Firmware installed and set OpSw 14= c by following the steps below. Ensure that the PR4 is connected to an active Command Station and properly powered by a USB connection. Press the OPS button on the PR4 to enter OPS mode ...

KB884 Wired Decoder Installation in Atlas/Kato GP30/35

These instructions detail the installation of a wired Digitrax decoder (a DN140 in this example, but many wired decoders may be used) into an Atlas GP35 manufactured by Kato prior to September, 2007.  These units are marked "Japan" on the bottom of the locomotive.  Units marked "China" use a board replacement decodr such as the DN163A2.Installation DiagramNotes:A. Be sure motor leads (Gray & Orange) do not touch frames & have protective insulation in place.B. Be sure frame is straight & mechanism is correctly reassembled & can turn freely without binding.Wired Decoder Installation InstructionsFollow these steps for decoder installation with either ...

KB103 Troubleshooting DB150 Shutdowns

If the DB150 unit shuts down occasionally due to a track short circuit: 1. Correct the short circuit condition and the booster will resume normal operation. 2. Turning off the booster when a short occurs is not necessary since it will re-start automatically when the short is cleared. If the DB150 unit shuts down frequently: 1. Move the DB150 so that the heat sink has a flow of cool air. 2. Place the DB150 out of direct radiant heat like sunshine or a room heater. 3. Try direct cooling by using a small fan to blow air onto the heat ...

KB665 DT300 - Option Switch 3 (Op#3)

The factory setting for Op#3 for all DT300 throttles is Op#3=x01.LCD Backlight Brightness SettingThe backlight intensity can be set for off, low, medium or high intensity. The brightness of the backlight affects battery life, the brighter the LCD, the shorter the battery life.Note: When the DT300 is untethered, the backlight automatically reduces brightness by one setting to conserve battery power.Fast Clock FormatThe fast clock can be set up to display either 12 hour format or 24 hour format. The factory setting is 12 hour format.Recall Stack DepthThe DT300 recall feature can be set to keep a list of the last ...

KB532 How do I wire a double crossover?

Q:  How do I wire a double crossover? Each crossover results in a reversing loop. Should I use a PM42 or AR1? This is O scale (2 rail) if that would have any bearing on your answer. A:  Without a drawing to see how things are laid out, this can only be a guess, but a couple rules do apply. The reversing sections must be longer than the longest train. And there should be only one train in the reversing section at a time. It also seems to be a good idea to keep the reversing sections away from the ...

KB114 DZ143PS and Seuthe Smoke Units

Your DZ143ps decoder has been suggested for my Broadway Limited Blueline PRR J1a. I want to install a Seuthe smoke generator (#100 10-16v,120ma), which was recommended. I don't want to connect it directly to the track power because it will run all the time. Is there a way to connect it to DZ143PS so I can turn it on and off? Yes. The DZ143 series have a total of four function outputs, two are for the front and rear headlights and two are for additional functions. F1 controls the green wire output of the decoder, F2 controls the purple wire ...

KB407 SE8C Signal Controller Address Ranges for Signals and Other LocoNet Devices

The SE8C uses switch addresses to operate the signals, so you may need to change some factory settings to make it work in conjunction with turnouts that are already installed on your layout. Be sure that when you configure the SE8C that the switch address ranges you select to operate the signals do not conflict with other devices, like DS64s, that are already installed. We strongly recommend that you keep accurate documentation of the address ranges used to control all devices on the layout to avoid conflicts that might cause problems. Without this record it can be very difficult to ...

KB991 Case Study: Texas & Southwestern Part 1 of 11-Table of Articles

Case Study - Texas & Southwestern The Texas & Southwestern is a small N-Scale model railroad that features a Zephyr. Here are a variety of short articles which detail the various facets of the construction and operation of this railroad. Background-Part 2 The idea behind the railroad. The Railroad-Part 3 Planning the railroad Track Plan- Part 4 Powering the Railroad-Part 5 Zephyr makes things easy. Wiring the Railroad-Part 6 Hooking things up for reliable operation. Reverse Loop-Part 7 AR1 makes things easy, but a little change in thinking is sometimes necessary. Programming Track- Part 8 A convenient feature. Zephyr Heat Problem- ...

KB469 Locomotive not included in Decoder Selector

Q:  I have an HO Bachmann Alaska EMD GP40 (Bachmann item #63548) that I have kept in the box for about a year. I recently received a Digitrax Zephyr and I want to put a decoder in the locomotive. I used your reference guide and did not see it listed. Does that mean it's not available? A:  There are many reasons why a particular locomotive is not listed in our database.  The most common is that we have never been asked about that particular model.  There are so many new models it is a difficult task to keep up with ...

KB675 Resetting a mobile decoder to factory settings

Most Digitrax mobile decoders have a global reset function, which returns the decoder's CVs to their factory default settings.This is useful if the CV values in a particular decoder have been changed with less than wonderful results. For example, you may have accidentally set the CV value for acceleration so that the engine won't move for minutes when issued a speed command. This makes it look like the decoder is not working when all it needs is to have the CV value for acceleration reset. Many of the decoders that are sent to us for repair just need to have ...

KB1018 DCS100/200 as a Booster

Many clubs use a DCS100/200 as a Booster in their setups.  Digitrax does not recommend using a DCS100/200 as a Booster only for this type of setup.  If you decide to do so, please keep this information in mind:   The DCS100/200 configuration is stored in memory that uses a CR2032 battery.  Over time the battery can get weak and the DCS100/200 will loose its ability to store its configuration.  When this happens, the DCS100/200 will sound 7 beeps at power up.  It will also revert back to its factory settings and once again become a Command Station.  Since LocoNet ...

KB921 SE8C - Installing Position Light Style Signals For Pennsylvania RR, B&O and N&W Signaling

The SE8C can drive position light type signals such as those used by the Pennsylvania Railroad and the B&O RR and the N&W RR. Leads from the signals can be soldered directly to the pads on the Signal Mast Base (the Terminal Strip Mounting Kit can also be used for interfacing your signals with the system.)You can use either common anode or common cathode signals.  We recommend that you use either all common anode or all common cathode signals on your layout for consistency in the set up procedure on your layout. If you are using the terminal strip option ...

KB122 Atlas H0 Turntable

  I have an "old" vintage mid 1970's Atlas Turntable and I need to know how to wire the bridge track using DCC. Does it need an autoreversing unit or not?No. The Atlas H0 turntable is an evergreen for the model railroad hobby. It was easy to install and simple to wire, making it quite popular.Power is fed to the turntable bridge by connecting the track power feeds (black and red) individually to two screw terminals; these terminals are built into the portion of the Atlas turntable base which also includes the turntable manual crank handle. The turntable itself is ...

KB70 Apex & Hypotenuse AR1 Layout Wiring Example

My layout is the Apex & Hypotenuse design, from the Atlas design. I was wondering where would you suggest I wire the AR1. We remember this layout design, if for no other reason than its ingenious complexity. This railroad initially appeared in the Custom Line King Size Plan Book - H0 Railroads You Can Build, originally published by Atlas Tool in 1966. This book was yet another collaboration between the late John Armstrong and illustrator Thaddeus (Tad) Stepek. This railroad must have required a certain level of dexterity by the operator since the reversing segment is actually two different return ...

KB638 PR1-Setting Up Ditch Lights

The following CV set up simulates prototypical ditch lights that are on steady when running and alternately flashing when the horn blows. The ditch lights will be on when the engine is running, when you simulate blowing the horn by going into function mode and pressing F2 the ditch lights will flash on alternate sides of the loco. Note, the F2 key on Digitrax throttles is set up as a non-latching function so that the function assigned to F2 will be "ON" as long as you hold the F2 key down and will go "OFF" when it is released. Follow ...

KB805 DS64 - Setting Board ID for Additional DS64s

When using more than one DS64 in a DCC environment, you must assign a Board ID to each additional DS64 so that each one has a unique Board ID.You will need to set the DS64's board ID if you are planning to use the DS64's 8 inputs with a computer, system throttle, or other smart device on your layout that needs to know when a turnout has been manually thrown or closed via a particular DS64.You can use the 8 inputs on the DS64 to control the operation of the 4 outputs that control your turnouts.  For example, you can ...

KB537 DN142 - Turning on Back EMF

The DN142 comes from the factory with BACK EMF SPEED STABILIZATION (BEMF) turned off. Follow this procedure to turn it on and to adjust it. Later generations of Digitrax mobile decoders do not require this procedure. Activation: To activate the BEMF feature, change CV57 to a value of 06. This will give good performance with most brands of locomotives. If the locomotive surges while using BEMF use a lower value for CV56. It may also be necessary to adjust CV's 55, 56, & 57 to get the motor performance desired for your particular locomotive. Adjustment: 1. Program CV57 (Droop control) ...

KB233 CV29 - Analog Mode Operation

  CV29 is assigned a single value which chooses a combination of specific effects: 1. Speed step control. 2. Speed table On or Off. 3. Analog mode conversion On or Off. 4. Normal Direction of Travel (NDOT). 5. 2 digit addressing or 4 digit addressing. Analog Mode Analog mode conversion is very convenient if you plan to run your Digitrax decoded locomotive on regular DC layouts. With analog mode conversion enabled, the decoder will automatically begin operating as a DC locomotive when no DCC signal is detected by the decoder. This means that if you place your Digitrax decoder equipped ...

KB253 How do I get started with my Zephyr?

I've recently purchased a DCS50 system to run my HO trains. Since I'm new to the hobby I'm throughly confused on what parts I need to wire my 4 x 8 foot track to my control box. How many feeder lines do I need and what size do you recommend, and how do I hook these up to my control box? What size does bus wire do I need and how do I connect all this to my system? So far, all the articles just make recommendations general terms without specifics. I have purchased 2 terminal clips but have yet ...

KB590 Q&A - Powering DS64

  Q:  How do you connect more than one DS64 to a single power supply like a PS14 to power them or do you need a separate power supply for each DS64? A:  One power supply can be used if it can provide adequate power for all the DS64s it is powering. The PS14 has a built-in circuit breaker; when it exceeds its capacity, it will shut down, cool off and then start up again. If you are experiencing this behavior then you need to add one or more PS14s to provide enought power for the DS64s you have connected. Our recommendation of one ...

KB125 Kato GG-1 Decoder Installation of DN163K1D

Kato N-Scale GG1 steps needed for the DN163K1D decoder Carefully remove the locomotive’s shell and light board retainer from the frame. Notice the orientation of the light board inside so that you can install the new decoder in the same orientation. Carefully remove the factory light board by sliding it toward the back of the locomotive and out from under the forward frame notches. Then gently lift the board out of the frame. Be careful not to bend or damage the motor tabs. Carefully remove the motor tabs from the factory lightboard. The motor tabs attach to the board with ...

KB518 Locomotive Speed Matching

Q:  I am trying to setup 4 Kato locomotives 3 SD-70MACs and 1 C-44-9, all with DN 163K1B decoders.  I am using the loadable speed tables V in the programing manual that came with my Super Chief for a starting point. I have spent a few hours with limited success. Do have any suggestions that may help simplify this process? A:  Because the decoders and command control system are digital, the commands sent from the command station based on the CV settings in each locomotive are always the same. It is the locomotive mechanisms that are different. Even with three "identical" locomotives from ...

KB463 Circulating Ground Loops and Magnetic Induction Ground Loops

Q:  What are circulating ground loops and magnetic induction loops?  What are their symptoms and how can I fix them?A:  Like a lot of things, when you get down to the details, there can be disagreement about certain matters.Consider that the Super Chief manual states:  "To minimize the possibility of radio interference, twist all conductors."  Yet, this database has an article that states to the contrary; please see the related article in question, which is linked below.  In this situation, it must be remembered that the original manual was written several years ago and the most recent update was in 2004 ...

KB197 The Layout - Some thoughts on troubleshooting

  The most common problems on the layout that will impact your DCC system are electrical short circuits. If you find that you cannot get the Track Status light on your command station to come up, or there are numerous beeps from the booster, then disconnect one of the Rails from the booster and the problem should be apparent. There is an electrical short in your layout wiring. The quarter test is the BEST diagnostic tool that you have! With your DCC system up and the Track Status ON, create a short circuit across the rails of the layout every ...

KB391 DS64 - Sensor Activated RR Crossing Lights with the addition of a BD4

You can automate grade crossing signal lights with block occupancy sensors. Install a BD4 to detect track occupancy as shown in the figure below. Other than removing the Op Sw35 commands from the routes used in the related article example, there is no additional programming needed for the DS64. Sensor operated occupancy detection requires that all rolling stock be equipped with resistor wheels for proper detection or that the detection section is longer on each side of the RR Crossing than the full length of a train since only the locomotive will draw current. A lighted caboose on the end of ...

KB204 Case Study: Texas & Southwestern Part 7 of 11 - The Reverse Loop

The Texas & Southwestern has a reversing loop, and DCC insures reliable and simple operation of trains in the reverse loop. This reverse loop is handled with a Digitrax AR1 Auto Reversing Controller. The automated features of the AR-1 make for seamless train movements, but an issue quickly arose. Because a reverse loop in a traditional DC-powered model railroad environment required manual operation, the track insulating gaps for the loop were usually located for the convenience of the operators. So the track gaps of the original track plan were situated to keep this inconvenience to a minimum. Note also all ...

KB124 Kato DD51 Installation of DN163K1D

Kato N-Scale DD51 steps needed for the DN163K1D decoder Carefully remove the DD51 locomotive shells (3) and gray plastic light board retainer from the frame. Carefully remove the factory light board by sliding it toward the back of the locomotive and out from under the forward frame notches. Then gently lift the board out of the frame. Be careful not to bend or damage the motor tabs. Place one or more layers of Kapton tape on the frame underneath the forward frame clip. Carefully remove the motor tabs from the factory light board. The motor tabs attach to the board ...

KB303 Installing DN163M0 in Micro-Trains' FT

1. Carefully remove the locomotive's shell from the frame. Notice the orientation of the shell for reinstallation. 2. Carefully remove the plastic light shroud by gently prying up the tabs on either side of the frame and lifting the plastic piece off the frame. 3. Slide the factory light board forward to release it from under the clips on the locomotive frame. Be careful not to distort the frame clips as you slide and lift the light board off the frame. 4. Place the small piece of kapton tape provided with the decoder on the loco frame, wrapping it around ...

KB117 Notes on Kato HO-Scale Unitrack Turnouts

Kato recommends, and Digitrax concurs, that the best DCC performance with the Unitrack turnout requires that you set each turnout to "Non-power-routing". Kato has offered a variety of turnouts in their H0 Unitrack line.381-2840 - LH, 490mm Radius, selectable operating mode with power or non-power routing.381-2841 - RH  490mm Radius, selectable operating mode with power or non-power routing.381-2850 - LH, #4, power routing only. * Some additional power feeds required for use with DCC 381-2851 - RH, #4, power routing only. * Some additional power feeds required for use with DCC381-2860 - LH, #6, live or insulated frogs, power or non-power ...

KB902 Scaleable Speed Stabilization (Back EMF) in Digitrax Decoders

Speed stabilization is a feature that causes the decoder to run the locomotive at a somewhat constant speed according to the throttle setting. This means that if you set your throttle to 21% of total speed, the decoder will force the motor in the locomotive to maintain a constant speed at that level no matter what the track gradient or the load on the locomotive. The SD9 is an example of a US prototype that employed a load compensating type of control technology. Many modern European locomotive prototypes use some form of load compensation of the prime-mover in response to speed ...

KB885 Wired Decoder Installation for Athearn Locomotives

This installation covers how to install a Digitrax decoder with wires in any Athearn HO locomotive.  Use either our DH123 (headlight functions only) or DH163 (headlights plus additional functions) for this installation.*** Note: This installation is based on installing a Digitrax wired decoder in an Athearn Dash 9-44CW. The process is similar for any Digitrax mobile decoder with wires. The instructions are also easily applicable for any Athearn locomotive.These instructions assume that you have already run the loco and have established that it is working properly before beginning installation. Remember, installing a decoder in a locomotive will not improve its ...

KB75 DN163K0b - Installation Instructions for Kato F-3, F-7

DN163K0b Installation Instructions for Kato F-3, F-71. Carefully remove the locomotive’s shell from the frame. 2. Remove the black plastic cab seat panel by gently pressing in at the sides. 3. Carefully remove the plastic plug that retains the brass motor clips and bend the brass motor clips up and away from the circuit board. 4. Slide the circuit board forward to release it from the clip on the locomotive frame and lift the board off the frame. 5. Remove the brass pickup rail from one side of the locomotive, being careful not to bend it. Wrap a small piece ...

KB621 Power Management Overview

Power Management is a concern on every layout.  With Digital Command Control, the main concern is that enough power is supplied to evey track section on the layout so that the digital signal is transmitted to the decoders in the locomotives and turnouts.Each locomotive uses power from the track, some for the motor, some for headlights and other functions and some for the command control electronics in each locomotive.  More electrical power is necessary to run more locomotives on the layout.  Digitrax boosters provide between 2.5 amps & 8.0 amps.  A small N Scale or HO Scale layout with two to ...

KB429 DT400/R Tetherless Operation - Overview

DT400R is a radio equipped throttle. To use your DT400R as a radio throttle, you will need to install a radio receiver on your layout. All DT400s are “InfraReady.” This means that your DT400 comes with IR LEDs that will send infrared signals to the layout. To use this InfraReady capability, you just need to install one or more infrared receivers on your layout. A 9 volt battery must be used to power the DT400/R for tetherless operation. Using DT400/R as a tetherless throttle is easy: 1. For Infrared operation, plug in at least one Digitrax IR receiver (UR90 or ...

KB379 Super Empire Builder Power Requirements

The answer to this question applies to all Empire Builder sets including Super Empire Builder XtraQ:  I have just purchased a Super Empire Builder set. My expectations are for it to operate an N-Scale switching layout right now with future expansion to a larger N-Scale layout. I am a little confused as to which power supply I would need at this time. I am reading about power supplies and inline fuses, all of which is a little overwhelming to me as I am getting back into the hobby. Can you recommend which power supply will be better for me as ...

KB159 Lots of Locomotives, Few Operators

  My layout is in N scale, with an 85 foot double track main, a 12 track storage area, small yard, and engine facility. The layout measures 10 X 14 with two helices. There are a total of 34 engines, many of which are with their trains in the storage area. All of the already made-up trains (11) have two or three engines on them, ready to be brought up via a helix to run on the railroad. Currently, the road is divided into six parallel blocks (DC); 12 blocks in all. In the future, I plan on adding a ...

KB183 Speed Tables

A speed table is a list of numbers, one number for each speed step. Many operators customize their locomotives by adjusting the CV's for Vstart (02), Vmid (06) and Vmax (05) to set the throttle response characteristics for each locomotive. This is known as a three-step speed table It is also possible to create a more complex speed table, either with 14 or 28 steps that specify the exact percentage of full power sent to the motor when the throttle is set to that speed. Speed tables can be set up for 14 or 28 speed steps, but not for ...

KB7 Automatic Reversing Sections

DCC Automatic Reversing SectionsVirtually all automatic reversing will fall into 3 categories with the wiring principles for all being the same:1. Reverse Loops2. Wyes3. TurntablesDCC has the ability to automatically reverse sections of track we call Reversing Sections while our trains are running and not affect the direction or speed of the trains. This is because we put a constant square wave AC current on the track and control the trains (locos) by sending messages to them (actually to receivers we call decoders) to tell them what to do such as start, stop, change directions, etc. . We are thus ...

KB877 Programming the Digitrax DA120 Decoder Installed in Atlas Locos With Wangrow and Lenz Systems

This application note concerns the DA120 deocder, which began production in 1997 and was discontinued around 2000. The DA120 decoder that is being shipped with the Atlas locomotives has certain variables that are available for programming. These guidelines are provided for those who are using the Wangrow or Lenz systems for programming the DA120 decoders.The following variables were selected by Atlas to be offered in the DA120. These CV's are available to be programmed on the DA120:    * CV01 - Address    * CV02 - Start Voltage    * CV03 - Acceleration Rate    * CV04 - Deceleration Rate    * CV05 - Maximum ...

KB314 RoHS / Lead Free Production Q&A

Q: What is RoHS? A: The RoHS Directive stands for "the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment". This Directive bans the placing on the EU market of new electrical and electronic equipment containing more than agreed levels of lead, cadmium, mercury, hexavalent chromium, polybrominated biphenyl (PBB) and polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) flame retardants. Q: When did the directive become effective in the EU? A: July 1, 2006 Q: How does this affect products shipped to countries outside the EU? A: The United States and Canada have not yet instituted RoHS as of January ...

KB987 General Command System Troubleshooting and Tools

This article stops in a strange place??  We need to find the rest of it and split it up into meaningful chunks.  Also needs meta stuff Troubleshooting in General:Regardless of the guides, manuals, tips, suggestions, experts or whatever, troubleshooting can occasionally degenerate into a vast chasm of darkness and confusion.  It would be impossible to cover all the areas that have, can or may cause problems. This is a general guide to identifying and resolving problems with Digitrax Complete Train Control.  Keep Good Records:Although it may seem to be a pain while setting up your Digitrax system, keeping layout records ...

KB1048 Digitrax Command Control - The Future Is Now (2016 version)

Digitrax Complete Train Control By Zana & A.J. Ireland Digitrax Complete Train Control makes reliable, realistic train operation and simplified layout wiring a reality. Digital Command Control is incorporated within the Digitrax system to let you control multiple trains independently on the same section of track without blocking. In the real world, engineers control the speed and direction of real trains. Engines operate under their own power independent of the track. Each engine has its own motion characteristics like how fast it speeds up (acceleration) and how long it takes to slow down (deceleration). A locomotive's performance is influenced by ...

KB393 DS64 with Yard Ladder & Manual Route Buttons

  Simple Example of a Yard Ladder with Manual Route Buttons in a hidden yard. Set DS64 OptionSwitches 11 and 15 to 'c' closed to enable route commands from local inputs. Make sure the momentary-on push buttons are wired as shown in Fig.1 above. OPSw 11 enables the local inputs to trigger the routes stored in the DS64. A1 will trigger route1, S1 will trigger route 2, and so forth. OPSw 15 prevents the local inputs from directly triggering the outputs.Option Switch Configuration Press the OPS button on the powered DS64 for about three seconds until the red led begins ...

KB468 Zephyr - Consisting Tail to Tail

Q:  I'm wanting to know how to MU two locomotives together that are in a tail to tail configuration. I know that this can be easily done with a DT400 or DT402 throttle but not sure how to do it with the Zephyr. A:  Make sure all the locos in the consist are traveling in the same physical direction on the track (both going to the left or to the right). Remember that "reversing" takes place in the locomotive not on the track, so it is important that the engines be traveling in the same direction when they are MU'd.  ...

KB882 Installation of Digitrax Wired Decoders in Bachman Plus HO ABA F7s

This note addresses the installation of an H0-Scale wired decoder into Bachmann Plus ABA F-7s; it calls for using a DH140, which has been retired.  Current decoders such as the DH123 or DH163 or similar wired decoders can be used. Just finished up doing a few HO Bachmann Plus F7's, ABA's to be exact. Thought maybe some of you might be interested in how the DCC conversion went on these.They are an easy conversion!1.  The full stall current for these ranged from 500-700 ma for each loco . I selected Digitrax DH140 for the A units and a DH120 for the B ...

KB928 Three Step Speed Table-CV02, CV06, CV05

Three Step Speed Table CV02 V-Start (Start Voltage) CV06 V-Mid (Mid Point Voltage) CV05 V-Max (Maximum Voltage)When you are using a throttle to control a locomotive, you will notice that as you increase and decrease the speed, the loco responds to the change in throttle settings according to the relationship between motor voltage applied and the throttle setting. This is called the throttle response curve. Decoders are shipped from the factory with a linear throttle response curve. This means that as you increase the throttle setting from 0 to full speed, the loco will look like the default curve in ...

KB947 The Difference Among DCC Systems & DCC Companies

In response to questions about the differences among the DCC systems that are currently available from different companies, I offer the following comments & observations. You may have heard that all the systems are pretty much the same or you may have seen “comparison” charts in various DCC companies’ literature, in magazines or “analysis” on the Internet by “impartial observers.” Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to break down the system and company differences on a simple chart & the people who write the “impartial analysis” are usually not really impartial. As you read these comments, please keep in mind that ...

KB837 Zephyr Xtra and Zephyr - Multiple Unit Locomotive Operations

  MU (Multiple Unit) OperationsIt is not uncommon to see two, three or even four diesel locos pulling in consist at the front of a train. Sometimes, there is a locomotive added in the middle of the train or at the end of the train to give “helper service” to the head end locomotives. This is called Multiple Unit Operation or MU operation. With DCC, each locomotive is separately controlled. But in the case of MU'ing we would like to have more than one locomotive address controlled by a single throttle to simplify MU operation.Your DCS50 uses universal consisting to ...

KB926 CV55, CV56 & CV57 - Scaleable Speed Stabilization (Back EMF)

Some Digitrax decoders offer scalable speed stabilization (also called back EMF) control to help smooth out operation in the low end of the speed range.  This feature can be beneficial especially in N scale switching situations especially when the decoder can select how much of this effect to implement (scalable speed stabilization).  Speed stabilization is a decoder feature that can be used with any DCC system.  Most Digitrax decoders that support this feature are shipped with scalable speed stabilization turned off so, to use it you will need to set program them to use this feature.  Other Digitrax decoders are ...

KB72 Cajon Pass, Salt Lake & Santa Fe RR

I am putting the finishing touches on my 10 x 20 foot H0 railroad. It is a copy of the Cajon Pass, Salt Lake & Santa Fe RR by John Armstrong (#86 in the 101 Track Plans by Linn Westcott) [Kalmbach Publishing, ISBN 0-89024-512-6; still in print]. I have decided to go with DCC and my local hobby store recommended Digitrax. The layout is in my basement, I will be the only operator, the plan has 54 track switches (34 NJ International twin coils and 20 Tortoise turnout motors). Can you give me an idea as to what equipment I ...

KB1017 LocoNet Accessory Power Requirements

  This document outlines the power requirements for Digitrax LocoNet accessories.  To simplify wiring, Digitrax recommends providing individual power supplies for like accessories.  For example a power supply or power buss which only powers the PM42s.  A power supply or power buss used solely to power multiple DS64s.  UR9x and UP5 panels can be daisy chained provided adequate current is provided to properly power all the panels.  Through the use of individual power supplies, the chance of Ground Loops or sneak paths back to ground is minimized.  Using individual power supplies will also make troubleshooting much easier.  Many Digitrax LocoNet ...

KB352 Powering your Digitrax Command Control Railroad

Digital Command Control (DCC) has specific electrical requirements that must be provided for your layout control system to operate properly.Input PowerAll DCC systems require an external power supply.  Digitrax manufactures several power supplies for our command stations and boosters: The 3 Amp PS415 (the Zephyr Xtra power supply) The 5 Amp PS515 for all Digitrax 5 amp command stations and boosters The powerful 20 Amp PS2012 can be used for multiple 5 and 8 amp command stations and boosters  Additionally, the PS14 is available to power various other devices for your railroad.  Digitrax strongly encourages you to use our power supplies to insure satisfactory ...

KB1049 Digitrax Query Mode

Digitrax Query Mode: The new generation of Digitrax Advanced Command Stations and other new products from ~October 2016 onwards include some convenient new self-diagnostic and external diagnostic capabilities and methods, to help keep LocoNet systems and devices healthy and working optimally, without requiring additional tools. The DCS240 and DCS210 Advanced Command Stations include “Query Mode” diagnostic information that can be interrogated or read-out using enhanced capabilities of DT500 throttles. Advanced Command Station Query information is grouped into six broad groups of data/diagnostic information displayable by a DT500/DT500D: “Lnt”: LocoNet Device Type/product info “ELE”: Device Electrical information, voltages/currents, etc. “Lnt”: LocoNet ...

KB986 Digital Command Control: The Wave of the Future-Early Version

By Zana & A.J. IrelandThis clinic is titled Digital Command Control: The Wave of the Future. Recently, I was asked the question: "DCC has arrived and is the technology of today, everybody's using it so, why don't you change the title of your clinic?" My answer is that digital command control is still evolving rapidly. Today's digital command control is moving beyond the basic NMRA DCC Standards and RPs to encompass many new technologies that will compliment and enhance the basic things we can do with the track format defined by the NMRA. It's an exciting time for model railroaders ...

KB989 Digital Command Control: The Wave of the Future-Later Version

By Zana & A.J. IrelandThis clinic is titled Digital Command Control: The Wave of the Future. Recently, I was asked the question: "DCC has arrived and is the technology of today, everybody's using it so, why don't you change the title of your clinic?" My answer is that digital command control is still evolving rapidly. Today's digital command control is moving beyond the basic NMRA DCC Standards and RPs to encompass many new technologies that will compliment and enhance the basic things we can do with the track format defined by the NMRA. It's an exciting time for model railroaders ...

KB1015 Power Xtender Q & A

My sound decoder has a capacitor, why do I need a PX112? The capacitor that came with your Digitrax sound decoder is designed to hold up sound operation in the presence of brief power interruptions.  It is not designed to keep the locomotive’s motor and lights running.  Our ears are very sensitive to sound interruptions so, the capacitor on your sound decoder will prevent most of these drop outs on average quality track.  Most people don’t even notice the small pauses in a locomotive’s movement and the small flashes of the lights when the track power is interrupted.  If you ...

KB927 CV65-CV95 - 28 Step Loadable Speed Table

When you are using a throttle to control a locomotive, you will notice that as you increase and decrease the speed, the loco responds to the change in throttle settings according to the relationship between motor voltage applied and the throttle setting.  This is called the throttle response curve.  Decoders are shipped from the factory with a linear throttle response curve.  This means that as you increase the throttle setting from 0 to full speed, the loco will look like the default curve in this diagram.If you want to create a more realistic throttle response curve, you can set up ...

KB1073 Digitrax Series 7 Mobile and Sound decoder family CV settings

Digitrax series7 mobile decoders have many industry standard Configuration Variable (CV) numbers and values, as well as numerous Digitrax custom CV numbers and definitions or controls. The series7 CV values are a superset of older Digitrax FX3 series3 and series6 decoders, already covered in Digitrax Decoder Manual V2 on the Digitrax Web site. The “CV8 to 8 default” columns indicate current factory defined value after writing a value of 8 to CV8, using; Service mode programming track or Mainline Operations Mode Write to the active decoder address. An entry with value/xx indicates a xx number invokes the value before the ...