21 Search Results For dz125

KB156 DZ125 - Function Outputs

The DZ125 is set up at the factory to control two function outputs. The DZ125 is configured to control the forward and reverse lights on the locomotive through the white lead and yellow lead using Function 0 (F0F-forward and F0R-reverse) for directional lighting. Both function outputs can be easily set up with Digitrax FX3 lighting effects or as standard on/off functions with the following operational qualifiers: 1. Forward or Reverse direction of travel, or 2. Whether F0 is on or off, or 3. Both direction of travel and whether F0 is on or off, or 4. Whether the locomotive is ...

KB153 DZ125 - Installation Notes

Installation Notes: 1. Do not exceed the decoder’s 500mA total function output rating. 2. We recommend that the Blue wire, also called +Common or Lamp Common, be connected as shown. If you wish to omit the Blue wire in your installation, consult the Digitrax Decoder Manual for more information. 3. The head lamp should be hooked up using the Blue/+Common wire for optimal Digitrax transponding operation. 4. To use a function output with an inductive (coil) type load, see the Digitrax Decoder Manual for more information to avoid damage to the decoder. 5. See the Digitrax Decoder Manual for full ...

KB157 DZ125 - Installation Instructions

1. Carefully remove the locomotive’s shell from the frame. Notice the orientation of the shell to the frame so that you can reinstall correctly. 2. The DZ125 has 6” wires that you will solder directly to the appropriate connections inside the locomotive. The smaller size allows the decoder to be easily installed in a variety of locomotives. The bare ends of the wires are wired to the motor connections, power pickup connections and the lights according to this standard. Note: Avoid stressing the solder connections of the wires to the decoder board. If a connection is broken, carefully solder the wire ...

KB278 Marklin Z-Scale

I have an extensive collection of older (15-20 years) Z-Scale Maerklin equipment. Can I convert the locos to Digitrax, or must I buy some other brand of loco to use Digitrax? Maybe yes, maybe no. It depends upon the size of the locomotive. We are aware of several European Z-Scale model railroads that use Digitrax. We also know of a very large Z-Scale railroad in Washington, DC that uses Digitrax. This particular railroad is a model of Swiss prototype, so the locomotives are all electric-types; there seems to be enough room inside for a decoder, especially the new DZ125 series ...

KB131 DCC Install in Bachmann Dash 8

How to add DCC to the new run of Bachmann DCC ready Dash 8-40CW? The current recommendation is for direct soldering, using either DZ125, which controls headlights only or DZ143, which controls headlight and two additional functions. With earlier units, either milling of the frame or a replacement frame was necessary, but the new units have a "DCC ready frame"; the source of this information also points out that Bachmann is using the same model number for both the older version and the newer version, so you should make certain that you have the recent version.

KB841 Zephyr - Functions

DCS50 Zephyr can control Functions F0 - F8. Most DCC mobile decoders have function outputs that you can use to control lamps, LEDs, sound, smoke generators and other on/off devices installed in your locomotives. Most locomotives made today come with a head light and sometimes with a rear light, too. With DCC, these are controlled by the decoder’s function outputs. You can also install additional DCC controlled lighting such as cab lights, Mars lights, ditch lights, rotating beacons and others on your locos. The addition of these functions can add to the fun and realism of your locomotives.You must have ...

KB883 Installation of Digitrax Wired Decoder in Bachmann Spectrum N Scale F40PH

This application note is courtesy of Michael K. Perrin, and addresses the installation of an N-Scale decoder in the Bachmann F40PH (now discontinued).  This note calls for using either DN93 or DN140, both of which have been discontinued.  Current decoders such as the DZ125 or DZ143 and other similar N scale decoders can be used.1) Cut a place for the decoder in the back recess in the frame. Because this is a "sandwich" frame there is no room for the decoder without using a saw or Dremel tool to make a cavity for the decoder. (This is the hardest part of the ...

DZ125IN 1 Amp, Mobile Decoder, 6 Pin Integrated Plug, 2 Functions, Back EMF (Product Support Page)
1 Amp, Mobile Decoder, 6 Pin Integrated Plug, 2 Functions, Back EMF

Tiny Decoder with 6 Pin NEM 651 Plug Great for UK, European Locomotives. Some US manufacturers use this plug arrangement, too.

KB840 Zephyr - Functions F0-F8

DCS50 Zephyr can control Functions F0 - F8. Most DCC mobile decoders have function outputs that you can use to control lamps, LEDs, sound, smoke generators and other on/off devices installed in your locomotives. Most locomotives made today come with a head light and sometimes with a rear light, too. With DCC, these are controlled by the decoder’s function outputs. You can also install additional DCC controlled lighting such as cab lights, Mars lights, ditch lights, rotating beacons and others on your locos. The addition of these functions can add to the fun and realism of your locomotives.You must have ...

KB147 DZ125IN/DZ126IN - Installation Instructions

1. Carefully remove the locomotive’s shell from the frame. Notice the orientation of the shell to the frame so that you can reinstall correctly. 2. Remove the 6 pin analog shorting plug and in its place insert the DZ125IN/DZ126IN decoder with the correct pin-1 orientation. (There also is a small numeral "1" on the bottom of the DZ125IN near pin-1.) The DZ125IN has 6 pins that insert directly into the 6 pin socket (NEM 651 type) on the locomotive’s PCB. The DZ125’s small size allows the decoder to be easily installed in a variety of European locomotives. For the Kato ...

KB154 DZ125PS Installation in Kato H0-Scale F40PH

1. Carefully remove the locomotive’s shell from the frame. Notice the orientation of the shell to the frame (Figure 1) so that you can reinstall the shell correctly. 2. Remove the dummy plug from the locomotive’s DCC-ready socket. (Figure 2) The jumper plug allows the loco to operate on a standard DC track or in analog mode on a DCC track. Pin 1 is marked for proper orientation of the decoder. 3. The DZ125PS has a short, 1" harness with a DCC 8-pin plug on the end of it. The plug is oriented so the pin for the orange wire ...

KB146 DZ125IN - Function Outputs

The DZ125IN is set up at the factory to control two function outputs. The DZ125IN is configured to control the forward and reverse lights on the locomotive through the white lead and yellow lead using Function 0 (F0F-forward and F0R-reverse) for directional lighting. Both function outputs can be easily set up with Digitrax FX3 lighting effects or as standard on/off functions with the following operational qualifiers: 1. Forward or Reverse direction of travel, or 2. Whether F0 is on or off, or 3. Both direction of travel and whether F0 is on or off, or 4. Whether the locomotive is ...

KB155 DZ125IN - Wiring Diagram

Note: The connections illustrated above are for purposes of illustration. The NEM socket has six conductors which are arranged in numerical order from 1 - 6: Contact 1 - Motor Connection (orange wire) Contact 2 - Motor Connection (gray wire) Contact 3 - Track Pickup (red wire) Contact 4 - Track Pickup (black wire) Contact 5 - Forward Headlight (white wire) Conatct 6 - Rearward Headlight (yellow wire)

KB888 Installation of Digitrax Decoders in HO Scale Atlas RS1, RS3, RSD4/5

Many thanks to Bob Dattore for this application note!This app note details using a DN142 decoder for the installation.  This decoder is no longer in production but the following decoders would work as well:  DN135D, DN163, DZ123, DZ125, DZ143.  Any decoder that is small enough to fit could be used.The Problem:  Atlas RS1's (and RS3's & RSD4/5's) are hard to install Digitrax decoders in. There is no easy drop-in or light board replacement with back-emf capability.I have installed several Atlas Dual Mode decoders in these popular hard to fit narrow, low hood diesels with ease, by replacing the original light ...

KB65 Atlas HO HH 600/660 Installation

Steps needed for the DZ125PS or DZ143PS decoder installation: Remove couplers and carefully remove loco shell to reveal the 8 pin dummy (DC) plug. Remove 8 pin dummy (DC) plug [picture shown with plug removed]. Plug in the DZ125PS or DZ143PS with orange wired #1 pin in pin with triangle marked pin. Detail of DZ125PS or DZ143PS with orange wired #1 pin correctly oriented. Tuck decoder in cab area of loco, replace shell and reinstall couplers.

KB120 Decoder Installation in the H0-scale Con-Cor Pioneer Zephyr

Application Note: Con-Cor HO-Scale Zephyr steps needed for the DZ125PS decoder installation Step 1: Carefully remove the body from the frame. There are four clips along each side of the body. (See red arrows) We have found if you start at the rear of the body with a small flathead screwdriver and carefully pry the body outward to remove the back clip, you can move the screwdriver forward to release the others. Once the body is completely removed, carefully lift the light board from its holders on the bulkheads. (See blue arrows) Be very careful as the pins that hold ...

KB148 Minitrix 6-Pin Socket

We have discovered during a conversion of an earlier Minitrix V60 diesel that the 6-pin socket is not always wired correctly for conversion to DCC. Apparently, earlier Minitrix locomotives equipped with this socket were wired for use with Selectrix decoders. You should examine the connections from the locomotive to the 6-pin plug prior to installing the DZ125IN.