Everything you need to get started with Advanced Digitrax Command Control.
Evolution Express is perfect for most home and club layouts wanting Duplex Radio control out of the box.
It offers excellent speed control, prototypical consisting, the full range of programming features and much more.
Maximum capacity, maximum features. Take it to the Max with Evolution Express!
IPLING From time to time the latest DT602 family throttle firmware will be updated and will be posted on the product support page. These updates may slightly modify the DT602's operation, based on customer feedback/requests and priority support issues discovered. If you are happy with the operation of your DT602, and have no issues or new features you may want, it is not required to perform an available update. All DT602 family throttles should only be firmware updated or IPL'd while plugged directly into a working LocoNet. The Digitrax provided DMF file for field updating DT602's can be used for IPL of any ...