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Frequently Asked Questions- Digitrax Learning Center
DCC, What is it?
How many locos can I run?
What are LocoNet and RailSync?
Quick Start Guides & Instructions
Case Studies, Examples, Layouts & Track Plans
Texas & Southwestern
Kuala Lumpur
Norcross Southern
Nemo Junction
Layout Equipment Recommendations
Atlas Track Plans
Atlas Up & Over Dog Bone
Switching Layout Examples
Auto Reversing Wiring Example Apex & Hypotenuse
Troubleshooting Guides
Command Station or Booster Troubleshooting
Mobile Decoder Troubleshooting
Layout Wiring Troubleshooting
Throttle Troubleshooting
Wireless Troubleshooting
Stationary Decoder Troubleshooting
Detection and Signaling Troubleshooting
Sound Troubleshooting
Unreliable Operations
LocoNet & RailSync Troubleshooting
Programming Mobile Decoders
Status Editing
Programming Modes
Paged Mode
Direct Mode
Operations Mode
Physical Register Mode
Blast Mode (Zephyr Systems Only)
CV Read Back
How do I Program Locomotive Decoders?
How do I Reset Everything in my Locomotive?
Programming Stationary Decoders
Setting Stationary Decoder Board ID
Decimal or Hexadecimal Notation
Interoperability & Compatibility With Other Manufacturers' Products
Soundtraxx Compatibility
NCE Compatibility
MRC Compatibility
Bachmann EZ Commanmd Compatibility
ESU LOK Sound Compatibility
PM42-Use with Non-Digitrax Systems
Broadway Limited Compatibility
Athearn Locomotives
Athearn N-Scale Locos
Athearn HO Scale Locos
LifeLike Locomotives
Lifelike N-Scale Locomotives
Lifelike HO Locomotives
Bachmann Locomotives
Atlas HO Locomotives
Easy DCC Compatibility
Kato Locomotives
Kato HO Locomotives
Kato N Scale Locomotives
Wangrow Compatibility
Roco HO Crane
Keller Compatibility
Kato Unitrack
LGB Compatibility
Tower 55 DCC Equipped Locomotives
Trix Compatiblity
Con-Cor Locomotives
Intermountain Locomotives
Intermountain N Scale Locomotives
Intermountain HO Scale Locomotives
Walthers Locomotives
MicroTrains Locomotives
Marklin Compatibility
Lenz DCC Compatibility
Mobile Decoders (Locomotive Decoders)
AC Motors
Back-EMF/Speed Stabilization
LocoMotion-Digitrax Decoder Motor Control
DC Motor Control with Mobile Decoders
Decoder Installation General
Decoder Installations-Board Replacement
Decoder Installations-Plug N' Play
Decoder Installations Wired
Sound Decoder Installation
Decoder Installations O, S, G Scales
Decoder Short Circuits
Decoder Installations Narrow Gauge
Stall Current
Analog Operation (DC Operation)
Supersonic-Quiet Decoder
Transponding Decoders
Sound, Motor & Function Decoders
Function Control
Split Field Motor Operation
Headlight Control
FX & FX3 Functions-Special Lighting Effectcs
Configurable Strobes
Momentary or Non-latching Function Operation (Playable Whistle)
Locomotive & car lights
Function Control and Consisting
Ditch Lights
Mars Light
Digitrax Decoder Naming Convention-What the Part Numbers Mean
CVs - Mobile Decoder Configuration Variables
Momentum CVs-Acceleration CV03 & Deceleration CV04
Configuration Register CV29
Speed Step Control-14 or 28/128
Use 2 or 4 digit address?
Analog Mode Conversion
Speed Tables
Normal Direction of Travel
Decoder Identification CVs-CV07, CV08, CV105, CV106
3 Step Speed Table-CV02, CV06, CV05
V-Start Start Voltage-CV02
V-mid Mid Point Voltage-CV06
V-Max Maximum Voltage-CV05
28 Step Speed Table CVs 65 through 95
Back EMF Scaleable Speed Stabilization-CV55, CV56, CV57
Torque Compensation CV54
Switching Speed CV54
Supersonic Quiet Operation CV09
Advanced Consist Address/Function Control CV19, CV21, CV22
Function Mapping CVs 33 through 46
Reset moblile decoder to factory settings - CV08
Analog Functions Control CV13
Decoder Lock-CV15 & CV16
LocoNet: The Digitrax Difference
LocoNet Licensees
CML Electronics
Railroad & Co. Layout Control Software
Transponding-Two Way Feedback
Layout Power and Wiring
Powering Your Layout
Circuit breakers for the layout districts and sub-districts
Track Power-On, Off, Idle
Building a model railroad
Automatic Reversing & Reversing Sections
Power Management on the Layout
Track Voltage
Programming Track-Service Mode
Turnouts and track switches
Solenoid or snap switches
Slow motion turnouts (Tortoise, Switchmaster, etc.)
Bi-Polar turnouts or switches (Kato Unitrack)
thrown turnout position
closed turnout position
Kato Unitrack
Turntables & Wyes
Power bus
LocoNet Control Network (Control Bus)
Grounding the System
Brake Section
Track Voltage
Crossing Gate
Universal Panels-Easy Access to LocoNet
Throttle Jacks vs. LocoNet Jacks
LocoNet Repeater LNRP
Short Circuit on Layout
Layout Phasing
Power Supplies
Computer Layout Control
Radio and Infrared Operation
Infra Red Tetherless Operation
Simplex Radio Tetherless Operation
Duplex Radio Tetherless Operation
MU-Multiple Unit Operation (Consisting)
TOP Locomotive
Jump Ports-Using DC Power Packs as DCC Throttles
Error Messages Displayed by Digitrax Products
Full Message
"no-d" No Decoder on Programming Track
Audible Beeps - DCS100, DCS200, DB150
Diagnostic LED Blink Patterns
UT4 Red Status LED
Command Stations
Customizing Command Stations with Option Switches (OpSw)
Clearing Your Command Station
Disable Command Station Capability
Command Station Option Switches
Slot Management
Throttle Operation
Throttle Knobs
Throttle Keypad Controls
F2 Momentary, Non-Latching Key Control
Typematic Keys
Throttle Direction Switch
Utility Throttle Selector Knobs
Throttle Displays
Throttle Knob Response Ballistic and Straight Line Tracking
Dispatching An Address from a Throttle
Dispatching A Locomotive from a Throttle
Fast Clock
Option Mode
Throttle Option Switches
Coupler/F3 Key
Track Status
SEL Message - Selecting A Locomotive to Run
Recall a Locomotive Address
Locomotive Speed Control
Locomotive Direction Control
Select An Address to Run On A Throttle
Battery Considerations
Track Status Indicator Dot
hex-hexadecimal notation (legacy products)
Stealing A Loco Address
Slot Following-Operating a Stolen Address
Speakers & Baffles
Speaker Combinations and Sound Level Tests
Steam Chuff
Playable Whistle
Master Volume Control
Sound Definition Files-SDF
Sound Project Files-.spj
Mute Sounds
Locomotive Sound Controls
Stationary Decoders for Turnouts and Layout Animation
Needs to be corrected
Cut off or empty articles
Product Upgrades and Updates
Choosing a Starter Set To Run Your Layout
Choosing a Mobile Decoder for a Locomotive
History of Digitrax and DCC
Digitrax History
History of DCC
Digitrax Products
Digitrax Starter Sets
Zephyr Xtra Starter Set
Programming Decoders
Programming Zephyr
Hints & Tips
Legacy Zephyr Starter Set
Super Empire Builder Xtra Starter Set
Legacy Empire Builder Series Sets
Super Empire Builder Starter Set
Empire Builder Starter Set
Empire Builder II Starter Set
Programming Decoders
Programming Super Empire Builder
Hints & Tips
Super Chief Xtra Starter Set
Legacy Chief Series Starter Sets
Chief II Starter Set-Legacy
Super Chief Starter Set-Legacy
Chief Starter Set-Legacy
DCS100 Super Chief
Programming Decoders
Programming Super Chief
Hints & Tips
DCS200 Super Chief
Legacy Starter Sets
Genesis Series Starter Sets
Big Boy Series Starter Sets
Challenger Series Starter Sets
Stationary Decoders
DS64 Quad Stationary Decoder
DS51K1 Bi-Polar Drive Stationary Decoder
DS52 Stationary Decoder
Legacy Stationary Decoders
DS54 Quad Stationary Decoder
Power Management Products
AR1- Automatic Reverse Unit
PM42-Quad Power Manager/Auto Reverser
PM42 - Power Manager Option Swiches
Detection and Signaling
BDL168-Block Detection
BDL162-Block Detection
BDL16x Series-Block Detection
BD4-Quad Block Detector
SE8C Signaling
Function Decoders
Sound Decoders
Sound Only Decoders
SFX064D-Sound Only Decoder
Sound Decoders with Motor and Function Control
Computer Interfaces
PR2-Decoder Programmer
PR1-Heritage Decoder Programmer
PR3-Sound/Decoder Programmer/USB Computer Interface
MS100-Computer Interface Serial
UT1 Utility Throttle-Legacy
UT2 Utility Throttle-Legacy
BT2 Buddy Throttle-Legacy
DT400 Throttle-Legacy
DT402 Super Throttle
DT300 Throttle-Legacy
DT200 Throttle-Legacy
DT100 Throttle-Legacy
UT4 Utility Throttle
Radio Control-Simplex
UR91 Simplex Radio Receiver
Radio Control-Duplex
UR92 Duplex Radio Transceiver
Infrared Control
UR90 Infrared Receiver
Universal Panels
UP5 Univesal LocoNet Interconnect Panel
Command Stations and Boosters
DB200+ 8Amp Booster
DB100 & DB150 Command Station/Boosters
DCS100 and DCS200 Command Station/Boosters
DCS51 & DCS50 Command Station/Booster/Throttle
WTL12 All-in-one Command Station/Booster/Throttle/Sound System
Transponding Products
BDL168 Occupancy Detector
RX4 Transponder Receivers
TL1 Transponder
TF4 Transponder Receiver
Mobile Decoders
DA120 OEM Decoders For Atlas HO Locos
DZ121 Mobile Decoder
Digitrax Power Supplies
PS12 Power Supply
PS14 Power Supply
PS2012 Power Supply
LocoNet & Test Devices
LNRP LocoNet Repeater
LT1 LocoNet Cable and Decoder Tester
Browse by Product
Select a Product
AR1 - Automatic Reverse Controller-Single
BATCOV - Digitrax Throttle Battery Cover Replacement
BB - Big Boy
BD1 - Block Detector for DS54
BD4 - Occupancy Detector for 4 detection sections
BD4N - DCC 4 Block Occupancy Detector
BDL16 - LocoNet Occupancy Detector, 16 Detection Sections
BDL162 - LocoNet Occupancy Detector, 16 Detection Sections
BDL168 - LocoNet Occupancy Detector, 16 Detection Sections
BDL716 - Block Detector
BLKBOOSTPLU - Booster Terminal Plug Black
BOOSTERTERMPLUG - Booster Terminal Plug
BP600MH - Ni-MH 600mAH 3.6v Battery Pack
BT2 - Buddy Throttle
BXP88 - LocoNet Occupancy Detector, 8 Detection Sections with Transponding and Power Management
BXPA1 - LocoNet DCC Auto-Reverser with Detection, Transponding and Power Management
CARDEDGE CON 44 - 3 Pack Card Edge Connector
CF - Chief
CFII5A - Chief II 5 Amp
CFII8A - Chief II 8 Amp
CFIIRE5A - Chief II 5 Amp Simplex Radio Equipped
CFIIRE8A - Chief II 8 Amp Simplex Radio Equipped
CFRE - Chief Simplex Radio Equipped
CHA - Challenger
CT4 - CT4 Quad Throttle
DA120 - OEM Decoder Produced for Atlas N GP40-2
DB100 - 5 Amp DCC Booster with Auto Reversing
DB100+ - 5 Amp DCC Booster with Auto Reversing
DB100a - 5 Amp DCC Booster with Auto Reversing
DB150 - 5 Amp DCC Command Station/Booster with Intelligent AutoReverse
DB200 OPTO - 8 Amp DCC Opto Booster
DB200 PLUS - 8 Amp DCC Booster
DB210 - Single 3/5/8 Amp AutoReversing DCC Booster
DB210-OPTO - Single 3/5/8 Amp AutoReversing DCC Booster that is Opto-Isolated for layouts with common rail wiring
DB220 - Dual 3/5/8 Amp AutoReversing DCC Booster
DB99 - 4.5 Amp DCC Booster
DCS100 - 5 Amp DCC Command Station & Booster
DCS200 - 8 Amp DCC Command Station & Booster
DCS210 - DCC Command Station & Booster (not sold separately)
DCS210+ - DCC Command Station & Booster (not sold separately)
DCS240 - LocoNet® Advanced Command Station
DCS240+ - LocoNet® Advanced Command Station
DCS50 - All-in-one Command Station/Booster/Throttle
DCS51 - All-in-one Command Station/Booster/Throttle
DCS52 - Zephyr Express: All-in-one Command Station/Booster/Throttle
DECODERWIRE - Decoder Wire
DG380L - 3 Amp DCC Mobile Decoder
DG383AR - 3 Amp Mobile Decoder with AristoCraft Plug
DG580L - 5 Amp Digital Command Control Decoder
DG583AR - 5 Amp Mobile Decoder with AristoCraft Plug
DG583S - 5 Amp Mobile Decoder for Large Scale
DG83 - 4 Amp Mobile Decoder
DG83FX - 4 Amp Mobile Decoder
DH120D - 1 Amp Digital Command Control Mobile Decoder
DH120P - 1 Amp Mobile Decoder, DCC Medium Plug on Long Harness
DH121 - 1.5 Amp Digital Command Control Decoder
DH123AT - 1.5 Amp HO Scale Mobile Decoder for Athearn Standard Locos
DH123D - 1.5 Amp Economy HO Scale Mobile Decoder
DH123P - 1.5 Amp Economy HO Scale Mobile Decoder With Long Harness
DH123PS - 1.5 Amp Economy HO Scale Mobile Decoder with Short Harness
DH126D - 1.5 Amp Economy HO Scale Wired Mobile Decoder
DH126MT - For HO Scale Locomotives Equipped with 21MTC interface
DH126P - 1.5 Amp Economy HO Scale Decoder with Digitrax Easy Connect 9 Pin to DCC Medium Plug 3.0” harness
DH126PS - 1.5 Amp Economy HO Scale Decoder with Digitrax Easy Connect 9 Pin to DCC Medium Plug 1.0” harness
DH127D - Mobile Decoder
DH127MT - Mobile Decoder
DH127P - Mobile Decoder
DH127PS - Mobile Decoder
DH140 - 1 Amp Digital Command Control Mobile Decoder
DH140P - 1 Amp Decoder With DCC Medium Plug on Long Harness
DH140U - 1.5 Amp Universal Digital Command Control Decoder
DH142 - 1.5 Amp Digital Command Control Decoder
DH150A - 1.5 Amp DCC Decoder for Atlas HO Scale Locomotives
DH150K - 1.5 Amp DCC Decoder for Some Atlas, Kato and Other HO Scale Locomotives
DH163A0 - 1.5 Amp Decoder fits many HO Diesel Locomotives
DH163AT - 1.5 Amp HO Scale Mobile Decoder for Athearn Standard Locos
DH163D - 1.5 Amp HO Scale Mobile Decoder
DH163IP - 1.5 Amp HO Scale Mobile Decoder With Integrated Medium Plug
DH163K0 - 1.5 Amp Decoder fits many Kato HO Diesel Locomotives
DH163L0 - 1.5 Amp HO Plug 'N Play Mobile Decoder for LifeLike Locos
DH163P - 1.5 Amp HO Scale Mobile Decoder with Medium Plug
DH163PS - 1.5 Amp HO Scale Mobile Decoder
DH165A0 - 1.0 Amp HO Scale Mobile Decoder for Atlas HO Locomotives
DH165IP - 1.25 Amp HO Scale Mobile Decoder for Kato EMD SD70MAC and other Locos
DH165K0 - 1.25 Amp HO Scale Mobile Decoder for Kato, Stewart, Atlas & Other Locos
DH165K1A - 1.25 Amp HO Scale Mobile Decoder fits many Kato Locos
DH165L0 - 1.25 Amp HO Scale Mobile Decoder fits many Lifelike GP7/SD60 Locos
DH165Q1 - 1.25 Amp HO Scale Mobile Decoder fits Atlas, Intermountain, LifeLike & Other factory sound-equipped Locos
DH166D - 1.5 Amp Premium HO Scale Wired Mobile Decoder
DH166MT - Mobile Decoder with 21MTC interface
DH166P - 1.5 Amp Premium HO Scale Decoder with Digitrax Easy Connect 9 Pin to DCC Medium Plug 3.0” harness
DH166PS - 1.5 Amp Premium HO Scale Decoder with Digitrax Easy Connect 9 Pin to DCC Medium Plug 1.0” harness
DH187A0 - Mobile Decoder
DH187D - Mobile Decoder
DH187K0 - Mobile Decoder
DH187MT - Mobile Decoder
DH187P - Mobile Decoder
DH187PS - Mobile Decoder
DH465 - 4 Amp HO/O Scale Mobile Decoder
DH82 - 1 Amp HO Scale Mobile Decoder
DH83 - 2 Amp Mobile Decoder
DH83FX - 2 Amp HO Scale Mobile Decoder
DH84 - 1 Amp HO Mobile Decoder
DH84FX - 1 Amp HO Mobile Decoder with FX
DHAT - 9 pin harness for Athearn Standard Locos
DHDP - Dummy Plugs (5 pack)
DHWH - 9 pin to wires wire harnesses (5 pack)
DHWHP - 9 pin to DCC medium plug long harness (3”)
DHWHPS - 9 pin to DCC medium plug short harness (1”)
Digitrax - Big Book of DCC
DM1 - DC Motor Adapter For Use with DS54
DN1137e24 - Mobile Decoder
DN121 - 1 Amp Wired Mobile Decoder, 2 Function
DN121IP - 1 Amp Mobile Decoder with Integrated DCC Medium Plug
DN121PS - 1 Amp Mobile Decoder with DCC Medium Plug on Short Wire Harness
DN122K2 - 1 Amp N Scale Mobile Decoder for Kato N RDC
DN123K3 - 1.25 Amp N Scale Mobile Decoder for Kato NW-2 Locos
DN126M2 - 1.5 Amp Series 6 Board Replacement Decoder for MicroTrains Line SW1500 units
DN135D - 1 Amp N /HO Scale Wired Mobile Decoder
DN135PS - Tiny 1 Amp N/HO Scale Mobile Decoder with Short 8 pin Harness
DN136D - 1 Amp N / HO Scale Wired Mobile Decoder
DN136PS - 1 Amp N/HO Scale Mobile Decoder with Short 8 pin Harness
DN140 - 1 Amp Wired Mobile Decoder, 4 Functions
DN141E2 - 1 Amp N Scale Mobile Decoder for ER N Sharknose
DN141K2 - 1 Amp Board Replacement DCC Mobile Decoder for KATO N-scale SD-80/90 MAC Locomotive
DN142 - 1 Amp Wired Mobile Decoder, 4 Functions
DN142PS - 1 Amp Mobile Decoder with DCC Med Plug on Short Harness, 4 Functions
DN143IP - 1.25 Amp N Scale Mobile Decoder for Con-Cor 4-8-4 and other locos
DN143K2 - 1 Amp N Scale Mobile Decoder for Kato N RDC
DN144K - 1 Amp DCC Board Replacement Mobile Decoder for KATO N-scale C44-9W Locomotive
DN145K - 1 Amp Board Replacement DCC Mobile Decoder for KATO N-scale PA-1 / E-8
DN146A - 1 Amp Board Replacement DCC Mobile Decoder for ATLAS N-scale GP40-2, U25B, SD35, Trainmaster, & B23-7 Locomotives
DN146IP - 1 Amp N / HO Scale Integrated DCC Medium Plug Mobile Decoder
DN147A - 1 Amp Board Replacement DCC Mobile Decoder for ATLAS N-scale Atlas SD50, SD60/M Locomotives
DN147A0 - Mobile Decoder
DN147A1 - Mobile Decoder
DN147K1C - Mobile Decoder
DN147K2 - Mobile Decoder
DN148K - 1 Amp Board Replacement DCC Mobile Decoder for KATO N-scale RS-2 & RSC-2
DN149K2 - 1 Amp Board Replacement DCC Mobile Decoder for KATO N-scale SD-40 Locomotive
DN163 - 1.5 Amp N Scale Mobile Decoder
DN163A0 - 1 Amp N Scale Mobile Decoder for Atlas N-Scale GP40-2, U25B, SD35, Trainmaster, B23-7 and others
DN163A1 - 1 Amp N Scale Mobile Decoder for Atlas N-Scale SD60, SD60M, SD50 and others
DN163A2 - 1 Amp N Scale Board Replacement Mobile Decoder for Atlas GP30
DN163A3 - 1 Amp N Scale Board Replacement Mobile Decoder for Atlas MP15 units
DN163A4 - 1.5 Amp N Scale Board Replacement Mobile Decoder for Atlas GP30
DN163I0 - 1 Amp N Scale Mobile Decoder for InterMountain SD40T-2 Tunnel Motor
DN163I1A - 1.5 Amp N Scale Mobile Decoder for Intermountain FT A Units
DN163I1B - 1.5 Amp N Scale Mobile Decoder for Intermountain FT B Units
DN163I1C - 1.5 Amp N Scale Mobile Decoder for Intermountain F3 / F7 Units
DN163I2 - 1 Amp N Scale Mobile Decoder for Intermountain FP7 and FP9 Units
DN163K0A - 1 Amp N Scale Mobile Decoder for Kato N scale P-42, PA-1 & E-8
DN163K0B - 1 Amp N Scale Mobile Decoder for Kato N scale F3 A & B
DN163K0D - 1 Amp N Scale Mobile Decoder for Kato N scale F40PH
DN163K0E - Board Replacement Decoder for N-Scale Kato E5
DN163K1A - 1 Amp N Scale Mobile Decoder for Kato N scale SD40-2, SD70MAC and others
DN163K1B - 1 Amp N Scale Mobile Decoder for Kato N scale SD40-2, SD70MAC and others
DN163K1C - 1 Amp N Scale Mobile Decoder for Kato N scale SD40-2 locos made from year 2006 onward
DN163K1D - 1 Amp N Scale Mobile Decoder for Kato N scale EMD Class 66, GG1 and DD51 locos
DN163K2 - 1 Amp N Scale Mobile Decoder for Kato N scale SD80/90MAC Series, RSC2, RS2
DN163K4A - 1.25 Amp N Scale Board Replacement Decoder for Kato N Scale Glacier Express and 4-8-4 FEF Steam Locomotive
DN163K4B - 1 Amp N Scale Mobile Decoder for Kato N Scale MP36PH Metra
DN163L0A - 1 Amp N Scale Mobile Decoder for Walthers Proto GP20 and similar locos
DN163M0 - 1 Amp N Scale Mobile Decoder for MicroTrains FT
DN163PS - 1.5 Amp N Scale Mobile Decoder
DN166I0 - 1.5 Amp Decoder for Intermountain N scale SD40T-2 / SD45T-2
DN166I1A - 1.5 Amp Decoder for Intermountain N scale FT A units with motor contact "shoes"
DN166I1B - 1.5 Amp Decoder for Intermountain N scale FT B units with motor contact "shoes"
DN166I1C - 1.5 Amp Decoder for Intermountain N scale F3 and F7 A & B units with motor contact "shoes"
DN166I1D - 1.5 Amp Decoder for InterMountain N Scale F7A & B units with wired motors produced after Jan 2014
DN166I2 - 1.5 Amp Decoder for Intermountain N scale FP7A and FP9A with motor contact "shoes"
DN166I2B - 1.5 Amp Decoder fits Intermountain N Scale FP7A with wired motors produced after Jan 2014
DN166I3 - 1.5 Amp Mobile Decoder that fits InterMountain N Scale SD40-2 released 2017
DN166PS - 1 Amp N / HO Scale Mobile Decoder
DN167K0A - Mobile Decoder
DN167K0B - Mobile Decoder
DN167K0D - Mobile Decoder
DN167K0E - Mobile Decoder
DN167n18 - Plug-in Next18 connector Mobile Decoder
DN82F - 0.5 Amp Wired Mobile Decoder
DN93 - 1 Amp Wired Mobile Decoder, 3 Functions
DN93FX - 1 Amp Wired Mobile Decoder, 3 Functions
DNDP - 5-Pack Dummy plug for Digitrax N scale Harness system
DNWH - 5-pack Digitrax N-Scale Wire Harness
DNWHPS - Digitrax N-Scale Wire Harness with 8 Pin plug
DO487 - High-Capacity Mobile Decoder
DS44 - Basic Quad Stationary Decoder
DS51K1 - Stationary Decoder For Single Kato Unitrack Turnouts
DS52 - Dual Stationary Decoder for Snap Switches or Slow Motion Machines
DS54 - Quad Stationary Decoder with Programmable LocoNet Inputs & Outputs
DS64 - Quad Stationary Decoder
DS74 - Quad Switch Stationary Decoder
DS78V - Eight Servo LocoNet Stationary & Accessory decoder for turnout control
DSXC4 - Input interconnect board for DS74
DSXCP1 - Fascia mount Switch control device for the DS74
DSXSV9 - 9G Turnout or motion control servo with mount bracket and installation hardware
DT100 - Advanced Throttle
DT100R - Advanced Radio Equipped Throttle
DT200 - Command Station & Throttle
DT300 - Advanced LocoNet Throttle
DT300R - Radio Equipped Advanced LocoNet Throttle
DT400 - Super Walkaround/IR Throttle
DT400R - Super Radio Throttle
DT402 - Super Throttle With Infrared Capability
DT402D - Duplex Radio Equipped Super Throttle
DT402DCE - Duplex Radio Equipped Super Throttle for Europe
DT402R - Simplex Radio Equipped Super Throttle
DT500 - Advanced Super Throttle with Infrared Capability
DT500D - Advanced Duplex Radio Equipped Super Throttle
DT500DCE - Advanced Duplex Radio Equipped Super Throttle CE (for Europe)
DT602 - Advanced Super Throttle
DT602D - Advanced Duplex Super Throttle
DT602DE - Advanced Duplex Super Throttle CE (For Europe)
DZ120 - 1 Amp Wired Mobile Decoder, 2 Functions, Z Scale
DZ121 - 1 Amp Wired Mobile Decoder, 2 Functions, Z Scale
DZ123 - 1 Amp Economy Wired Decoder, 2 Functions, Z Scale
DZ123M0 - 1 Amp Z-Scale Mobile Decoder For MicroTrains GP-35, GP-9
DZ123MK0 - Board Replacement Decoder for Marklin Mini Club 88455 and others.
DZ123MK1 - Board Replacement Decoder for Marklin Z 88584 and others.
DZ123PS - 1 Amp Economy Mobile Decoder, 2 Functions, DCC Medium Plug on Short Harness
DZ123Z0 - Board Replacement Decoder for American Z Line (AZL) GP-30 Diesels and others.
DZ125 - 1 Amp, Wired Mobile Decoder, 2 Functions, Back EMF
DZ125IN - 1 Amp, Mobile Decoder, 6 Pin Integrated Plug, 2 Functions, Back EMF
DZ125PS - 1 Amp, Mobile Decoder, Medium DCC Plug on Short Harness, 2 Functions, Back EMF
DZ126 - 1 Amp Z / N / HO Scale Wired Mobile Decoder
DZ126IN - 1 Amp Z / N / HO Scale Decoder with 6 Pin NEM 651 type plug
DZ126PS - 1 Amp Z / N / HO Scale Decoder with DCC Medium Plug with 1 ‘ Harness
DZ126T - 1 Amp Tiny Series 6 decoder for Z, N & HO
DZ126Z1 - Z Scale DCC Board Replacement for AZL PA1 locomotive
DZ143 - 1 Amp Premium Wired Mobile Decoder, 4 Functions, Z Scale
DZ143PS - 1 Amp Premium Mobile Decoder 4 Function with DCC Medium Plug on Short Harness
DZ146 - 1 Amp Z / N / HO Scale Wired Mobile Decoder
DZ146IN - 1 Amp Series 6 NEM 651 Plug Decoder with 4 Functions that fits Many N & HO Locomotives!
DZ146PS - 1 Amp Z / N / HO Scale Decoder with DCC Medium Plug with 1 ‘ Harness
EB - Empire Builder
EBII - Empire Builder II
EBRE - Empire Builder Simplex Radio Equipped
EBRE - Empire Builder II Simplex Radio Equipped
EVO - Evolution Advanced 5A/8A Starter Set
EVOD - Evolution Advanced 5A/8A Duplex Starter Set
EVOX - Evolution Express Advanced 5A/8A Starter Set
EVOXD - Evolution Express Advanced 5A/8A Duplex Starter Set
FN04 - Function Decoder
GEN - Genesis II
GEN - Genesis
LA2 - LocoNet Adapter For Big Boy Sets
LNC162 - 16’ LocoNet Cables-2 Pack
LNC501 - 50’ LocoNet Cable
LNC82 - 8’ LocoNet Cables-2 Pack
LNCCMC1 - Coiled Cord & RJ12 Modular Adapter
LNCMK - LocoNet Cable Maker Kit
LNMC3 - RJ12 Modular Adapter-3 Pack
LNRJ12P20 - RJ12 Plugs-20 Pack
LNRP - LocoNet Repeater Module
LNRPXTRA - LocoNet Repeater Module
LNWI - LocoNet WiFi Interface
LPHV - LocoPalm Cable for Handspring PDA
LPM100 - LocoPalm Cable for Palm PDA
LPM100+ - LocoPalm Cable for Palm PDA
LT1 - Tester for Decoders & LocoNet Cables
LT5 - Tester Modules (2 pack)
LT5C - Tester Modules (2 pack)
MS100 - LocoNet PC Computer Interface-RS232
PM4 - Power Manager
PM42 - Quad Power Manager
PM42 UPGRADE - PM4 to PM42 Upgrade kit
PM74 - Power Manager with Occupancy and Transponding detection for 4 sub-districts
PR1 - Computer Decoder Programmer-Serial
PR2 - SoundFX Serial Port Decoder Programmer
PR3 - SoundFX USB Decoder Programmer
PR3XTRA - SoundFX USB Decoder Programmer
PR4 - USB to LocoNet Interface with Decoder Programmer
PS12 - 12V DC Power Supply
PS14 - AC/DC Adapter 14V DC 300ma
PS2012 - 20 Amp Power Supply 12 to 23 VDC
PS2012E - 20 Amp Power Supply 13.8-23VDC
PS314 - Zephyr Xtra Power Supply (not sold separately)
PS315 - 15V Power supply
PS514 - 70W AC Power Supply
PS515 - Power Supply 5 Amp 15 VAC 75VA
PS615 - 90W AC/DC 15VDC 6 Amp Power Supply
PSYC52 - YC52 ‘Y’ Cable
PTBK - Pluggable Terminal Block Kit
PX108-10 - Power Xtender For use with Digitrax Decoders Equipped with 10 pin Sound Harness
PX108-2 - Power Xtender For use with Digitrax Decoders Equipped with 2 pin PX socket or solder pad connections
PX108-6 - Power Xtender For use with Digitrax Decoders Equipped with 6 pin Sound Harness
PX108-6F - Power Xtender For use with Digitrax Decoders Equipped with 6 pin Function Harness
PX112-10 - Power Xtender For HO Scale 10 Pin Sound Decoders
PX112-2 - Power Xtender For HO Scale 2 Pin Decoders
PX112-6 - Power Xtender For N Scale 6 Pin Sound Decoders
PX112-6F - Power Xtender For N Scale 6 Pin Decoders.
RD2 - Remote Sensing Diodes for BDL16 series occupancy detectors
RX4 - 4-Zone Transponding Receiver Add-on for BDL Series Detectors
SCF5A - Super Chief 5 Amp
SCF8A - Super Chief 8 Amp
SCFRE5A - Super Chief 5 Amp Simplex Radio Equipped
SCFRE8A - Super Chief 8 Amp Simplex Radio Equipped
SCFX - Super Chief Xtra 5 Amp
SCFX8 - Super Chief Xtra 8 Amp
SCFXD - Super Chief Xtra 5 Amp Duplex Radio Equipped
SCFXD8 - Super Chief Xtra 8 Amp Duplex Radio Equipped
SCFXD8CE - Super Chief Xtra 8 Amp Duplex Radio Equipped for Europe
SCFXDCE - Super Chief Xtra 5 Amp Duplex Radio Equipped for Europe
SDCK - Signal Driver Cable Kit
SDH104K1A+FN04K1 COMBO - Board Replacement Decoder for Kato AC4400 HO Locos
SDH104K1B+FN04K1 COMBO - Board Replacement Decoder for Kato SD38-2 HO Locos
SDH104K1C+FN04K1 COMBO - Board Replacement Decoder for Kato F40PH HO Locos
SDH164D - 1 Amp HO Scale Mobile SoundFX/Motor/Function Decoder with SoundFX
SDH164K1A - 1 Amp HO Scale Board Replacement Mobile/SoundFX/Function Decoder for Kato AC4400 Locos
SDH164K1B - 1 Amp HO Scale Board Replacement Mobile/SoundFX/Function Decoder for Kato SD38-2 locos
SDH164K1C - 1 Amp HO Scale Board Replacement Mobile/SoundFX/Function Decoder for Kato F40PH HO Locos
SDH166D - Standard 1 Amp Sound Decoder HO Scale
SDH167D - Series 7 Sound Decoder
SDH186MT - Premium 8-Bit SoundFX Mobile Decoder with 21MTC interface
SDH187MT - HO Scale Series 7 Sound Decoder
SDN136PS - Standard 1 Amp Sound Decoder N Scale
SDN144A0 - 1 Amp N Scale Board Replacement Mobile/SoundFX/Function Decoder for Atlas N Scale GP38 and similar locos
SDN144A1 - 1 Amp N Scale Board Replacement SoundFX/Motor/FX3 Function Decoder for Atlas SD50/60
SDN144K0A - 1 Amp N Scale Board Replacement SoundFX/Mobile/FX3 Function Decoder for Kato P42, E8, PA1, F40 and similar locos
SDN144K1E - 1 Amp N Scale SoundFX/Mobile/FX3 Function Decoder for Kato SD40-2 and similar locos
SDN144PS - 1 Amp N Scale SoundFX/Motor/FX3 Function Decoder with SoundFX
SDN147PS - N Scale Series 7 Sound Decoder
SDXH166D - Premium 1 Amp Sound Decoder HO Scale
SDXH167D - Series 7 Sound Decoder
SDXH186MT - Premium 16-Bit SoundFX Mobile Decoder with 21MTC interface
SDXH187A0 - Sound Decoder
SDXH187K0 - Sound Decoder
SDXH187K1A - Sound Decoder
SDXH187K1B - Sound Decoder
SDXH187K1C - Sound Decoder
SDXH187MT - HO Scale Series 7 Sound Decoder
SDXN1137e24 - E24 Socket Sound Decoder
SDXN136PS - Premium 1 Amp Sound Decoder N Scale
SDXN146K1E - Fits Kato N Scale SD40-2 and similar Locomotives
SDXN146K2 - Fits Kato N Scale SD80 MAC and similar Locomotives
SDXN146K4 - Fits Kato N Scale 4-8-4 FEF and similar Locomotives
SDXN147A0 - Sound Decoder
SDXN147A1 - Sound Decoder
SDXN147K1E - Series 7 Drop in Sound Decoder for Kato SD40-2 and similar
SDXN147K2 - Series 7 Drop in Sound Decoder for Kato SD80 MAC and similar
SDXN147K4 - Series 7 Drop in Sound Decoder for Kato 4-8-4 FEF-3 and similar
SDXN147PS - N Scale Series 7 Sound Decoder
SDXN167K0A - Series 7 Drop in Sound Decoder for Kato N P42 and similar
SDXN167n18 - Plug-in Next18 connector Sound Decoder for Atlas N FA-1 locomotive and others
SDXO487 - High-Capacity Sound Decoder
SE74 - Signal Decoder
SE8C - Signal Decoder
SEB - Super Empire Builder
SEBRE - Super Empire Builder Simplex Radio Equipped
SEBX - Super Empire Builder Xtra
SEBXD - Super Empire Builder Xtra Duplex Radio Equipped
SEBXDCE - Super Empire Builder Xtra Duplex Radio Equipped CE for Europe
SFX004 - Soundbug Sound Decoder for DH165xx decoders and others
SFX006 - Soundbug for DH165xx decoders and others
SFX0416 - 1 Amp HO/N SoundFX & Function Decoder
SFX064D - 1 Amp HO Scale SoundFX+Function Decoder
SH2AB - HO scale Mainline Signaling Kit
SHABC - HO scale Turnout Signaling Kit
SMBK - Signal Mast Base Kit
SMHK - Signal Mounting Hardware Kit
SN2AB - N scale Mainline Signaling Kit
SNABC - N scale Turnout Signaling Kit
SP10188 - Oval 10mm x 18mm 8 Ohm Speaker with wires
SP13138 - Round 13mm 8 Ohm Speaker with wires
SP26158B - Rectangular 26.5mm x 15.5mm x 9mm 8 Ohm Compact Box Speaker with enclosure & wires
SP26158BC - Compact Rectangular Box 26.5mm X 15.5mm X 9mm Speaker 8 Ohms
SP282832 - Round 28mm 32 Ohm Speaker with wires
SP28288 - Round 28mm 8 Ohm Speaker with wires
SP531832B - Rectangular 53mm x 18mm x 14mm 32 Ohm Box Speaker with enclosure & wires
SP53188B - Rectangular 53mm x 18mm x 14mm 8 Ohm Box Speaker with enclosure & wires
StowAway 1 Pack - Throttle Holder
StowAway 4 Pack - Throttle Holder
T1W - 10 Pack of Warm White T1 LEDs
TD1 - Transponding Only Decoder
TF2 - Dual Function Decoder with Transponder
TF4 - Quad DCC Function Decoder with Integrated Transponder
TL1 - Single DCC Function Decoder with Integrated Transponding
TSMK - Terminal Strip Mounting Kit
UP1 - Universal Panel, RJ12, 5 Pin Din & 1/4" Stereo Plug
UP2 - Universal Panel
UP3 - Universal Panel
UP5 - LocoNet Universal Interconnect Panel
UP6Z - LocoNet Universal Panel and 3 Amp Z Scale Voltage Reducer
UP7 - LocoNet Universal Panel
UR90 - Infrared Receiver Front Panel
UR90X - LocoNet Infrared Receiver
UR91 - Simplex Radio Equipped/IR Receiver Panel
UR92 - Duplex Radio Transceiver/IR Receiver Panel
UR92CE - Duplex Radio Transceiver/IR Receiver Panel for Europe
UR93 - Duplex Radio Transceiver
UR93E - Duplex Radio Transceiver for Europe/CE
UT1 - Utility Throttle
UT2 - Utility Throttle
UT4 - Utility Throttle with 4 Digit Addressing and Infrared Capability
UT4D - Duplex Radio Equipped Utility Throttle with 4 Digit Addressing
UT4DCE - Duplex Radio Equipped Utility Throttle with 4 Digit Addressing for Europe
UT4R - Simplex Radio Equipped Utility Throttle with 4 Digit Addressing
UT6 - Utility Throttle
UT6D - Duplex Radio Utility Throttle
UT6DE - Duplex Radio Utility Throttle CE (For Europe)
WTL12 - All-in-one Command Station/Booster/Throttle/Sound System for WalthersTrainline RailTech Train Set
ZEP - Zephyr
ZEPX - Zephyr Xtra
Supporting Documentation
Instruction Sheet
Decoder Manual
Troubleshooting Guide-Mobile Decoders
Decoder Specification Sheet
Product Details
Warranty & Repair
Product Support for: Mobile Decoders -> 5 Amp Digital Command Control Decoder (DG580L)
View the Product Page for the DG580L
5 Amp Digital Command Control Decoder for Large scale locomotives
Retired in 2002
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