CVs - Mobile Decoder Configuration Variables -> Configuration Register CV29 -> Analog Mode Conversion
I am getting a DH165LO decoder and a SFX004 Soundbug. Will these function on standard DC power? Yes. The DH165 series has "analog mode conversion"; the default setting is for operation in both DC and DCC environments. There are some that do not want this feature, and it can be disabled by setting CV29. The SFX004 also operates in a DC environment, and the analog mode conversion can be turned off via CV29. If so, how? Early on, Digitrax recognized that locomotives are sometimes operated in DC environments, and the conversion feature was built into the firmware. In practice, those ...
CV29 is assigned a single value which chooses a combination of specific effects: 1. Speed step control. 2. Speed table On or Off. 3. Analog mode conversion On or Off. 4. Normal Direction of Travel (NDOT). 5. 2 digit addressing or 4 digit addressing. Analog Mode Analog mode conversion is very convenient if you plan to run your Digitrax decoded locomotive on regular DC layouts. With analog mode conversion enabled, the decoder will automatically begin operating as a DC locomotive when no DCC signal is detected by the decoder. This means that if you place your Digitrax decoder equipped ...
CV29 is also called the Configuration Register. It is a special CV that handles several different aspects of locomotive behavior.Characteristics Controlled by CV29:1. Speed Step Control: Advanced Mode (28/128 speed steps) or Standard Mode (14 speed steps).2. Speed Tables: On or Off3. Analog mode conversion: On or Off4. Normal Direction of Travel (NDOT)5. 2 or 4 Digit Address selectionDetermining CV Value To Program Into CV29The numerical value value you will program into CV29 will affect many important decoder characteristics. Each of these characteristics is controlled by a "software switch." This switch is either on or off depending on the CV ...
Digitrax SoundFX decoders will automatically operate on smooth DC power unless analog mode conversion has been disabled. The sound will not start until approximately 5 volts is applied to the track. Due to this characteristic of analog operation with a DCC decoder installed, the start up sound will not play.
CV29 is called the configuration register. It controls the following decoder characteristics: 1. Whether the decoder uses 14 speed steps, 28/128 speed steps or loadable speed tables. This affects how smoothly the loco will move and how it responds to throttle controls.2. Whether the decoder automatically converts to analog mode when no DCC signal is present. This allows the decoder to operate on a DC layout even though it is DCC equipped.3. Defines the normal direction of travel for the locomotive. Normal Direction of Travel or NDOT can be changed when the motor connections of decoder have not been connected so that the locomotive runs ...