The DB150 has 22 “Slots” for locomotive addresses The DB150 command station can run up to 22 loco addresses and throttles at a time. Each of these addresses occupies one of 22 “slots” available in the DB150’s memory. Once those 22 slots are full the system will display the “slot=max” message to let you knot that you need to release some locos if you want to select and run others. The DB150 manages the addresses that occupy slots by assigning different statuses to each decoder depending on how it is being used in the system. This allows the DB150 to ...
My layout is in N scale, with an 85 foot double track main, a 12 track storage area, small yard, and engine facility. The layout measures 10 X 14 with two helices. There are a total of 34 engines, many of which are with their trains in the storage area. All of the already made-up trains (11) have two or three engines on them, ready to be brought up via a helix to run on the railroad. Currently, the road is divided into six parallel blocks (DC); 12 blocks in all. In the future, I plan on adding a ...