Case Study - Texas & Southwestern

The Texas & Southwestern is a small N-Scale model railroad that features a Zephyr. Here are a variety of short articles which detail the various facets of the construction and operation of this railroad.
- Background-Part 2 The idea behind the railroad.
- The Railroad-Part 3 Planning the railroad
- Track Plan- Part 4
- Powering the Railroad-Part 5 Zephyr makes things easy.
- Wiring the Railroad-Part 6 Hooking things up for reliable operation.
- Reverse Loop-Part 7 AR1 makes things easy, but a little change in thinking is sometimes necessary.
- Programming Track- Part 8 A convenient feature.
- Zephyr Heat Problem- Part 9 Things don't always go smoothly.
- Train Operations-Part 10 Realistic train operation keeps things interesting.
- The Future-Part11 There's always room for improvement.
Santa Fe, All the Way!