What's the difference between the PM42 and the PM4?
The PM42 is an improved version of the PM4. We added 2 faster short circuit detection sensitivity settings and revamped the manual.
Get the benefits of short circuit management and auto reversing without adding more boosters! PM42 Quad Power Manager lets you use a single booster and divide its output into 4 power sub-districts for automatic reversing &/or to improve operation by preempting booster shutdown when a short circuit is detected by the PM42. If you want to improve operation but don't need the added power (or expense) of adding a booster, the PM42 is the right answer for you. Each PM42 can run 4 sub-districts off a single booster in any combination of regular sub-districts and auto reversing sub-districts. |
$79.95 msrp (Less than $20 per sub-district). |