I have a small switching layout, I am interested in low-end speed control and want to control turnouts from the hand held. What components do I need?
All Digitrax command staions offer excellent low-end speed control as long as you are using decoders capable of 28/128 speed step operation. Low speed performance will also be affected by how you set up the CVs in the decoder to define how the specific locomotive will respond to system commands. Remember that installing a DCC deocder will not automatically improve the operation of your locos, you will need to first make sure they run well on DC, then install the decoder and adjust the perfornamce characteristics of the loco by programming CVs such as start voltage, mid-point voltage and max voltage or fulll speed tables.
All Digitrax command stations can control stationary decoders you will use for for turnout operation on your switching layout.
Given the size of the railroad, the Zephyr Xtra is probably your best choice of starter sets unless you are interested in automated route control. If automation is a concern, you can investigate using the Super Chief Xtra Set or computer control using programs such as Railroad & Co. or JMRI.