The MS100 LocoNet Interface is a serial device that connects LocoNet to a computer via a 25pin serial port.
This application note shows how you can use your Digitrax MS100 computer interface with the USB Port on your computer. Serial ports are not available on most computers in current production. USB ports are more widely used today. The Digitrax MS100 LocoNet interface can be connected to a USB port by using a USB to Serial RS-232 DB-25 Adapter Cable. Digitrax recommends the PR3 for interfacing your USB equipped computer with LocoNet.
Caution: Not all cables on the market will work. One that worked with our test computer running Windows 98SE is the VScom USB Serial Adapter. It comes with an installation CD with a driver that must be installed as instructed in the documentation for proper operation. This product supports Windows 98SE, ME, 2000 & XP and is available from Byterunner.