Will Digitrax work in an outdoor setting to control LGB, Bachmann, and Aristocraft engines on a small layout, possibly in a 20 x 20 area?
What starter set would you recommend to run in the area stated?
I would like wireless operation.
Digitrax will work in that environment, with the same warnings that are associated with all other electrically powered devices and outdoor model railroads that use track power.
The command systems must be protected from moisture, the track must be clean and the stationary decoders are not weatherproof.
Wireless operation can be either infrared or radio, with radio being preferred because IR may not work well outdoors.
Of the three systems, Zephyr would be the least likely choice since it is rated at 2.5 amps of power, considerably less than the typical current consumption of a large scale locomotive.
The Super Empire Builder is rated at 5 amps, as are some of the Super Chief systems, but the Super Chief is also available in an 8 amp version.
Additional power can be added with boosters & their own power supplies.
There are large scale decoders available; these are the DG series decoders, DG383AR, DG583AR and the DG583S.
And, there usually is lots of room inside for decoders and other features.