DT400 is designed to maintain a close similarity in function & feel with Digitrax DT300, DT200, & DT100 series throttles. This family resemblance makes it easy to add new throttles to your Digitrax Command Control System and be able to use them in ways similar to the existing throttles that you are already used to.
- DT400 can be used with any Digitrax LocoNet System or other LocoNet compatible DCC system.
- User friendly Multi-line Backlit LCD with easy to read icons and messages.
- Prompts in the display guide you every step of the way. To make operation easy and intuitive.
- Dual throttle controls let you run two trains at the same time, set up and break down consists and operate prototypical helper service.
- Click encoders give extra fine speed control and let you reverse the direction of the loco from a single control.
- Full numeric keypad makes loco selection, programming and other functions simple.
- Direct access to functions 0-12 (when used with a DCS50 or DCS100 Command Station. Functions 0-8 with DB150 Command Station.
- Single key access to most common throttle operation tasks.
- InfraReady! Just add UR90 IR receivers and you are ready to run tetherless.
- Find Key for use with transponder equipped locos and layouts.
- Built in flashlight for reading paperwork and loco/car numbers in darkened layout rooms.
- No throttle display “time outs.”