KB76: PR3 - Running with JMRI on Mac OS 10.5

This article was last updated on Jan. 5, 2012, 5:02 p.m. | Print Article | Leave Feedback

Running the PR3 and PR3 Xtra with JMRI on MAX OS X.

Plug in the Digitrax PR3 to a USB port on an Intel-based Apple computer running MAC OS version 10.5 or later.  Within about a second the Green "USB" led on the PR3 should glow steady green showing a USB connection has been established with the MAC.

Open system profiler or About This Mac and under hardware>USB there should be a entry "Vcom" showing that the USB port has enumerated OK. This optional step is simply to check the PR3 device was found.

Go to JMRI sourceforge projects on the Web,
here and follow the instructions to download JMRI projects.

; With our test Intel based iMac, Mac-Mini and MacBook Pro we did not need to load LibUSB drivers, since this machine recognized the USB device as a VCOM USB modem fine.



This install was successful here at Digitrax with minimal effort, and other combinations of Apples PC's (e.g. based on PowerPC CPU's), VMWare Fusion, and OS versions may operate with user customization, but Digitrax cannot offer any opinion or support for these combinations since we have no direct knowledge of successful operation or integration.

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