My layout is the Apex & Hypotenuse design, from the Atlas design.
I was wondering where would you suggest I wire the AR1.
We remember this layout design, if for no other reason than its ingenious complexity.

This railroad initially appeared in the Custom Line King Size Plan Book - H0 Railroads You Can Build, originally published by Atlas Tool in 1966.
This book was yet another collaboration between the late John Armstrong and illustrator Thaddeus (Tad) Stepek.
This railroad must have required a certain level of dexterity by the operator since the reversing segment is actually two different return loops, with a crossing in the middle.
Armstrong located the feeders for the reversing segment in the middle of it all at points marked "X" and "Y".
This seems to be the best place to locate the AR1.

This location meets all the criteria necessary for DCC autoreversing; the reversing segments are longer than the longest train and that there can be only one train in the autoreversing segment at a given time.
Depending upon which track and turnouts you are using, you may need to place additional track feeders from the AR1 to areas of the reversing segment.
Take care to keep the proper rail orientation for each additional feeder.