KB571: DT400 Series Throttles - Nested Consisting

This article was last updated on Aug. 11, 2011, 4:52 p.m. | Print Article | Leave Feedback

When a consist is added within a different consist, this is called a nested consist.

1.  Select the TOP loco of the consist you want to control the nested consist on the R Throttle.

  Select the TOP loco of the consist you want to nest on the L Throttle.

3.  Press the MU key followed by the + Key to create the nested consist.

4.  When it is added to the current R Throttle “TOP” loco it will become a “nested” consist. The nested consist is MU'ed and is part of the new nested consist.

To remove a consist from the nested consist, select the TOP loco of the consist to be removed on the L Throttle and the TOP loco of the nested consist on the R throttle, press the MU Key followed by the - key. The nested consist is removed from the consist & returned to the L Throttle as a consist.

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