PM74 Current Trip settings:
The PM74 has the nominal trip current for all 4 channels configured by OPSW7 and OPSW8, in the following order;
- If OPSW7 is changed to Closed, then Trip current is 3Amps, and OPSW8 is ignored
- If OPSW8 is changed to Closed , then Trip current is 6Amps.
- If OPSW7 and 8 are both Thrown (factory reset default) the Trip current is default 4Amps.
Note that the DCC channel current is typically time-varying, so the trip current is usually a peak above the average track currents detected.
The continuous/combined current on any of the track plug/connectors must be below the 12amp connector RMS rating, and this is safely below most DCC Booster ratings.