KB1022: Zephyr Xtra DCS51 Messages

This article was last updated on May 15, 2014, 8:19 a.m. | Print Article | Leave Feedback

DCS51 Messages

Oooo              Short circuit shutdown

-br-                DCS51 is set up as a booster

BuSY              DCS51 is in programming mode and another command was issued before the first completed (press "EXIT" key)

-cS-               DCS51 is powering up as the command station

cccc               Current overload (too many locomotives in power district)

dir                 DCS51 is in programming mode (press “EXIT” key)

d nd              Open circuit on programming track (programming mode)

d nA              No acknowledgement from decoder (programming mode)

d nr               Not able to read decoder (programming mode)

Er L               MU could not be set up (address already part of an MU or another throttle)

FuLL              All 20 locomotive slots are full

HHHH            Input overvoltage (unplug DCS51 from transformer)

LLLL              Loss of carrier (no command station seen on Loconet)

Loco              DCS51 is operational and has no locomotive assigned

OPS               DCS51 is in operations programming mode (press “EXIT” key)

Oooo             Short circuit shutdown

PagE             DCS51 is in programming mode (press “EXIT” key)

PhyS             DCS51 is in programming mode (press “EXIT” key)

PoXX             DCS51 is powering off, XX displays current firmware version

-SLP              DCS51 detects another command station and is not set up as a booster

StLo              Selected a loco assigned to another throttle (press “LOCO” key to steal)


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