SDX Default Sounds for 16 Bit
The SDX series HO and N decoders are factory programmed with 8 locomotive scheme examples to provide a number of locomotive choices without requiring user downloading. This is the factory default scheme. It includes sounds for the following locomotives, please see the project description for a complete list of features.
GP38-2,GE Evolution,SD70,GP10,RS-1,C420,Steam Challenger-3985,K27-464
Downloads are a mixture of 8 bit, 12bit and 16 bit wave files, with several user selectable horns, whistles, and bells.
Sound Projects
(C) August 2013
SDXH166 - Digitrax 8 locomotive Diesel/Steam SOUND Decoder Demonstrator (C) August 2013
project: SDXH166.spj
SDF: Octal diesel/steam Scheme
Author AJ Ireland
Digitrax Inc.
(A) Function Key Usage:
F0- Lights - Steam has generator dynamo
F1- Bell [CV157 selects bell type]
F2- Horn/Whistel [CV150 selects Horn/Whistle type]
F3- Coupler crash [Autocoupler/brake set by CV151 max spd]
F4- Air feature disable- F4 OFF enables pop-off,drier and starts compressor/airpump
F5- Diesel= Dynamic brake Fans, Steam= Waterpump turbine
F6- Diesel=Notch UP - Steam=Blowdown ; iff CV155 is not 0
F7- Crossing Gate Airhorn or; Diesel=Notch DOWN/Steam=Wheelslip, ;iff CV155 is not 0
F8- Mute control, [F8 ON is muted.]
F9- Brake squeal
F10- Crossing gate Airhorn/Whistle sequence
F11- Steam=Greaser
F12- Steam=Safety Blowoff
(B) Steam/SD38-2 Sound FX defined CV's: [decoder CV8=8 reset value in brackets]
CV58 Master Volume, 0-15, 0= max, (F8 used for Mute) [9]
CV60 Scheme select CV, 0=SD38-2 diesel, 1= GE Evolution, etc 0-7 [0]
CV122 Product TYpe, 12 = Digitrax SFX sound decoder Read Only Value
CV123 Hardware Version, 64= SDXH166 type decoder Read Only Value
CV132 Diesel Notch rate [127]
CV133 Steam Chuff/CAM config, 128=>EXT cam, 1-127=>DRIVER dia in inches[63]
CV134 Steam gear ratio trim, 32=100% ratio, [32]
CV135 Volume when Muted 0-64 [0]
User configurable SoundCV's:
CV140 PRIME mover Diesel/chuff-exhaust vol 0-64 [60]
CV141 BELL vol 0-64 [25]
CV142 WHISTLE/HORN vol 0-64 [60]
CV143 Air features vol (popoff,drier,comp)0-64 [30]
CV145 Misc vols 0-64 [40]
CV146 BELL delay (24mS counts) 1-100 [7]
CV147 Drier rate, (1= about 2secs) 1-64 [2]
CV148 Compressor/Airpump Start rate [30]
CV149 COMPRESSOR/Airpump run time [20]
CV150 Horn/Whistle Selector,0=std , 1/7 =Alternate, +128 for Playable volume [0]
CV151 PEAK speed to allow AUTO coupler/brake on DIR change and F3 on. 0-60 [48]
CV153 Project ID 168 [168]
CV154 Steam Blowdown/Safety vol 0-64 [60]
CV155 Notching/Slip Mode,0=AUTO, 1=SEMIAUTO,2=MANUAL NOTCHES [0]
CV157 Bell Selector,0=std bell , 1/2/3=Alternates [0]
(C) General Notes
The SDXH166 decoder is factory programmed with 8 locomotive scheme examples to provide a number of locomotive choices
without requiring user downloading.
CV60 0 to 7 selects: 0= GP38-2, 1=GE Evolution, 2=SD70, 3=GP10, 4=RS-1, 5=C420, 6=Steam Challenger-3985, 7= K27-464
Downloads are a mixture of 8 bit, 12bit and 16 bit wave files.
The Digitrax Sound Depot has an assortment of other sound projects downloadable with a Digitrax PR-3 that have more
detailed individual schemes. The SDXH166 series allow downloading of 8,12 and 16 bit wave files and up to 4 voices,if defined
in the SDF project definitions.
For CV155=01 ["Semi_automatic Notching"] when CV60=0 to 5 (Diesel), the Prime mover lowest Notch setting is set by
the throttle speed setting. F6 (ON) can increase the Notch and F7 (ON) will decrease the Prime mover
to the minimum notch set by current throttle setting.
For CV150=0 the scheme default horn/whistle is different for each scheme, for a total of up to 10 horns and 3 whistles.
Whistles are typically CV150:6 and 7 etc..
For CV157=0 the scheme default bell is different for each scheme, for a total of up to 8 bells.
Cam triggered exhaust sounds are only configured for 8 or 16 bit wav file downloads.
RS1 sound courtesy of R. Schramm, some Bells/Horns courtesy Matt Donnelly, some prime movers by C Brown and P Knowles.
Balance of sounds recorded by Digitrax Inc. All sounds used by permission.
------[end SDXH166 series SDF/DECODER definition]--------------
SoundLoader Software
Using your PR3 programmer and SoundLoader Software, it’s quick and easy to download sound project files into your Digitrax FX decoders.
Format Information
With Digitrax Sound FX decoders and downloadable sound project files (.spj), you can download your choice of sound schemes into any Sound FX equipped locomotive. You can use spj’s that are available for free, you can modify those schemes or you can create your own!
Sound Decoders
Digitrax offers a wide variety of Sound FX decoders to fit many different locomotives. You’ll need to have a Digitrax SFX decoder installed to take advantage of using .spj files.
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