NRE 3GS21B Cummins

The NRE 3GS21B is a low-emissions diesel switcher locomotive built by National Railway Equipment. It is powered by three Cummins QSK19C I6 engines with each one developing 700 horsepower (522 kW) and creating a total power output of 2,100 horsepower (1,570 kW). Having multiple engines instead of a single prime mover, a design referred to as a "Genset," reduces overall diesel emissions and improves fuel efficiency. More than 150 of the 3GS21B Genset locomotives have been produced to date, with the majority of these units being manufactured at NREC's Mount Vernon shops in Southern Illinois. In addition, three road slug models have also been produced.
Sound Projects
This project uses a generic notching project logic. Special WAV files were created to mix each GenSet motor run sounds (Startup, Idle, Run2, Run3, Shutdown, Acceleration and Deceleration transitions). These are blended in notches 0-8:
HNDL_RUN_4 ;SET2 Run1 + Set1 Run3
HNDL_RUN_5 ;SET2 Run2 + Set1 Run3
HNDL_RUN_6 ;SET2 Run3 + Set1 Run3
HNDL_RUN_7 ;SET3 Run1 + Set1 Run3 + Set2 Run3
HNDL_RUN_8 ;SET3 Run2 + Set1 Run3 + Set2 Run3
HNDL_INC_12 ;SET1 1>2
HNDL_INC_23 ;SET1 2>3
HNDL_INC_34 ;SET1-2 -- Startup set2 + Set2 Run1 + Set1 Run3
HNDL_INC_45 ;SET2 1>2 + Set2 Run2 + Set1 Run3
HNDL_INC_56 ;SET2 2>3 + Set2 Run3 + Set1 Run3
HNDL_INC_67 ;SET2-3 -- Startup set3 + Set3 Run1 + Set2 Run3 + Set1 Run3
HNDL_INC_78 ;SET3 1>2 + Set3 Run2 + Set2 Run3 + Set1 Run3
HNDL_DEC_87 ;SET3 2>1 + Set2 Run3 + Set1 Run3
HNDL_DEC_76 ;SET3-2 -- Shutdown set3 + Set2 Run3 + Set1 Run3
HNDL_DEC_65 ;SET2 3>2 + Set1 Run3
HNDL_DEC_54 ;SET2 2>1 + Set1 Run3
HNDL_DEC_43 ;SET2-1 -- Shutdown set2 + Set1 Run3
HNDL_DEC_32 ;SET1 3>2
HNDL_DEC_21 ;SET1 2>1
The result is a model that will accelerate the first set until notch 3-4 transition and then start up the next set and accelerate through the 2 additional notches and then start up the next set.
Please see project description for full description and list of features.
SoundLoader Software
Using your PR3 programmer and SoundLoader Software, it’s quick and easy to download sound project files into your Digitrax FX decoders.
Format Information
With Digitrax Sound FX decoders and downloadable sound project files (.spj), you can download your choice of sound schemes into any Sound FX equipped locomotive. You can use spj’s that are available for free, you can modify those schemes or you can create your own!
Sound Decoders
Digitrax offers a wide variety of Sound FX decoders to fit many different locomotives. You’ll need to have a Digitrax SFX decoder installed to take advantage of using .spj files.
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