NKP 587 2-8-2 Mikado 12/10/2013
Project: SR_4chnl_x6_H6a.SPJ Version 1.5
SDF: SR_4chnl_x6_H6a
BASE CODE: SR_4chnl_x6 -- Standard Steam Rod Engine
Author: John McMasters
Custom sound scheme. Sept 25, 2013 NOT for resale.
(C) Copyright John McMasters 2013, used with permission.
Generic heavy steam loco use to replace your sounds for your specific model.
NOTE: Assign silence to cylinder 2 sounds when CV155 NOT =2 (Save memory---handles are not played
unless project is running "Articulated" sounds with both front and rear cylinders.
NOTE: Make sure that the model CV133 Steam Chuff/CAM config, 128=>EXT cam, 1-127=>DRIVER dia in inches[63]
and CV134 Gear ratio are adjusted so that THERE ARE 4 STANDARD NON-ARTICULATED
New Features:
g) on reversal clash with F15 and/or F11 is
on [F15 off + F11 off = no extra sounds]
[F15 on + F11 on = all extra sounds]
[F11 controls auto clash and uncouple]
[F15 controls auto clash]
h) auto rod clank cyl blow down (steam cocks open)
will coast after deceleration for up to 5 cycles playing ALT_RC
i) coal grate
j) coal chute
k) auto brake on decelerate (two rates hard and short)
F9 Leave off to disable auto brakes
l) optional cylinder 2 sounds varied; Set Slip mode=1 OR F26 ON (Articulated Cylinder 2 Chuffs)
(see all features below);
(A) Function Key Usage:
F0- Lights
F1- Bell
F2- Horn/Whistle [CV150 selects Horn/Whistle type]
F3- Coupler crash; Auto Coupler coupler clank and BRAKE if F3 is ON, is dir chng and last PK spd below e.g. CV151
[Autocoupler/brake set by CV151 max spd] F11 on for un-coupler
[Leave F3 on for auto coupler]
Toggle OFF plays directional toots
F4- Steam=Safety Blowoff
F5- Steam= Waterpump turbine
F6- BLOWOFF/drier then air pump ONE time
F7- Steam=Blowdown
F8- Mute control, [F8 ON is muted.]
F9- brake squeal [Leave F9 off for auto STEAM BRAKES]
F10- Crossing gate Whistle sequence [Bell stays on until F10 off]
F11- UNCoupling [Leave on for auto toots]
F12- Wheel SQUEAL (continuous when moving) [Disables bell on F6]
F13- Coal Fill
F14- EStop when moving and Shutdown (disables motor movement until OFF)
F15- Water Tank Fill
F16- Grate shaking,ash dump
F17- BOX car Boom
F18- Steam Greaser
F19- Grate Shaker
F22- User Sound
F23- User Sound
F24- User Sound
F25- User Sound
F26- Articulated Cylinder 2 Chuffs test
F27- User Sound
F28- User Sound
(B) Steam Sound FX defined CV's: [decoder CV8=8 reset value in brackets]
CV58 Master Volume, 0-15, 0= max, (F8 used for Mute) [9]
CV60 Scheme select CV, 0=Scheme1 [0]
CV122 Product TYpe, 12 = Digitrax SFX sound decoder Read Only Value
CV123 Hardware Version, 17= SDH104K1 decoder Read Only Value
CV131 diesel config $$$TEST NEEDS TO BE STEAM CONFIG VALUE? $$$
CV132 Diesel Notch rate [127]
CV133 Steam Chuff/CAM config, 128=>EXT cam, 1-127=>DRIVER dia in inches[63]
CV134 Steam gear ratio trim, 32=100% ratio, [32]
CV135 Volume when Muted 0-64 [30]
CV139 Set to trigger distance event 0-64 [30]
CV140 PRIME mover Chuff vol 0-64 [64,50]
CV141 BELL vol 0-64 [31,35]
CV142 WHISTLE vol 0-64 [64,60]
CV143 Air features vol (popoff,airpump) 0-64 [30]
CV144 STEAM BRAKES [50] / DIESEL Dynamic brake volume
CV145 Misc vols 0-64 [20]
CV146 BELL delay (24mS counts) 1-100 [6]
CV147 The starting steam cock open is controlled by CV147 (about =11-21) since steam loco has no drier.
CV148 Airpump Start rate [30]
CV149 Airpump run time [10]
CV150 Whistle Selector,0=std , 1=Playable volume 2=Alternate [0]
CV151 PEAK speed to allow AUTO coupler/brake on DIR change and F3 on. 0-60 [18]
CV152 defines USER code for this SDF
CV153 is SUB id for SCHEME/SDF
CV154 Steam Blowdown/Safety vol 0-64 [60]
CV156 is 540mS WHISTLE delay for SHORT 0-64 [1]
CV157 is FOR bell selection [00]
CV158 is
CV159 is
CV160 is VARIANT id
CV161 Power Reverser volume 0-64 [50]
CV162 Grate Shaker Volume 0-64 [50]
CV163 Water fill/Coal fill Volume 0-64 [54]
CV164 Compressor Volume 0-64 [48]
CV165 Steam Boiler Volume/Diesel Fan Volume 0-64 [35]
CV166 Coupler Slack Volume 0-64 [32]
CV167 Dynamo Volume 0-64 [42]
CV168 Stoker Volume 0-64 [51]
CV169 is HEX values to disable features like HEP mode:
; bit0 disable ARTICULATED steam HEP diesel
; bit1 disable hard automatic braking
; bit2 disable startup sounds
; bit3 disable Fans
; bit4 disable toots on direction change
; bit5 disable grade crossing random play
; bit6 disable bell
; bit7 fuel prime once for Gen1 diesels OR multiple start warning bells Gen2
CV170 Safety Run Time 0-64 [22]
CV171 ALT HORN volume 0-64 [60]
CV172 Water Pump Cycle Time 0-64 [31]
CV173 Cutoff Speed for Auto Cyl. blow down 0-64 [22]
CV174 Air Compressor run time 0-255 [31]
CV175 Stoker/oil pump run time 0-255 [18]
CV176 F28_user run time scattered sounds 0-255 [20]
(C) General Notes
Low speed: A standing Locomotive collects condensed water in its cylinder as trapped steam cools. Since it isn't
Compressible, this water can blow out a cylinder head when the engine starts.
To avoid this ,the engineer first opens valves called cylinder cocks under each end of the
cylinders(sometimes in the middle too ). Then when the engine starts,the exhaust steam comes
Whoooshing out of the cylinder cocks with the condensate instead of chugging up the stack.
Engines doing this spray steam from under their cylinder.
The starting steam cock open is controlled by CV147 (about =14) since steam loco has no drier.
All sounds taken from existing sound projects.
------[end Steam SDF/DECODER definition]--------------