BR Class 42

British Railways' (BR) Type 4 Warship class diesel-hydraulic locomotives were introduced in 1958. It was apparent at that time that the largest centre of expertise on diesel-hydraulic locomotives was in Germany. The Western Region of British Railways negotiated a licence with German manufacturers to scale down the German Federal Railway's "V200" design to suit the smaller loading gauge of the British network, and to allow British manufacturers to construct the new design. The resultant design bears a close resemblance both cosmetically and in the engineering employed. They were divided into two batches: those built at BR's Swindon works were numbered in the series D800 to D832 and from D866 to D870, had a maximum tractive effort of 52,400 pounds-force (233,000 N) and eventually became British Rail Class 42.
Sound Projects
Project: BR Class 42
SDF: 2nd Generation Diesel reworked by Dave C
Author: Tim
(A) Function Key Usage:
F0- Lights
F1- Shutdown Engine
F2- Horn
F3- Horn 2
F4- Air features disable [F4 off enables drier and compressor]
F5- Air Break release [Leave on to sound each time before moving off]
F6- Manual notch up [If CV155 is not 00]
F7- Manual notch down [If CV155 is not 00]
F8- Mute control [F8 to ON is muted]
F9- Brake squeal [Leave F9 on for auto brakes]
F10- User Sound [Cab door]
F11- User Sound [Tyre squeel]
F12- User Sound [Coupling]
(B) Sound FX defined CVs: [sound project download reset value in sq. brackets]
CV58 Master Volume, 0-15 [9]
CV122 Product type, 12 = Digitrax SFX sound decoder (Read Only Value)
CV123 Hardware version (Read Only Value)
CV132 Notch rate (higher values = closer spacing) [64]
CV135 Volume when muted [00]
CV140 Prime mover volume 0-64 [40]
CV141 Not Used [25]
CV142 Horn volume 0-64 [60]
CV143 Air features volume 0-64 [20]
CV144 Air Release volume 0-64 [50]
CV145 Misc volumes 0-64 [20]
CV146 Not Used [0]
CV147 Drier rate (1 = about 2 secs) 1-64 [10]
CV148 Compressor start rate 1-100 [30]
CV149 Compressor run time 1-100 [20]
CV150 Not Used [0]
CV151 Not Used [0]
CV152 Author ID Alex Stroshane = 0xAA [170]
CV153 Project ID 2nd Generation Diesel [10]
CV154 Not Used [0]
CV155 Notching mode: 0 = Auto, 1 = Semiauto, 2 = Manual [0]
CV156 Startup master volume 0-255 [192]
CV157 Notch Resume in seconds 0=off 0-64 [06]
CV158 Apply driving style 0=on, 1= off [01]
(C) General Notes
D Clark 2012
This is a rework of the project listed below, all credit to the orignal authors.
This rework has a reduced number of notch's and redefined functions to suit a UK locomotive better.
CV158 defines a driving style, if this is set to 0 (on) then the loco will notch up whenever the
Digitrax internal notch increases and decrease whenever the Digitrax notch increases. as there are
less playable notches than digitrax notchs this means that the loco can coast when decelerating
CV157 sets a maximum amount of time in seconds that the loco can coast for, after this time the
loco starts to resume the notch defined for the speed of the loco.
Playing Notch Digitrax Notch
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
5 6
5 7
4 6 - when you start to reduce the speed the notch reduces to allow the loco to coast
3 5
2 4
1 3 - speed held setady and loco continues to coast
1 3
1 3
2 3 - after the number of seconds set in CV 157 the loco starts to resume the actual power notch
3 3
This is a functional beta version of a project using individual sound recordings for each prime mover notch setting. These
prime mover sounds can be played in three modes determined by CV155: automatic, semi-automatic and manual notching. In auto
mode, the prime mover notch is determined by the current speed setting, and is adjustable using CV132. In semi-auto mode,
the same is true but it is possible to "throttle up" to higher notches using F6 and F7, if you want your engine to sound
like it is working harder. Manual mode offers full control of the notch setting using F6 and F7, so you can throttle down
to idle and turn on dynamic braking while coasting downgrade.
Other features available in this project include:
- Choice of 2 different horns
- Choice of 2 different bells
- Automatic grade crossing horn sequence with bell
- Optional highball and backup horn signals while stopped
- Dynamic brakes at speed, or handbrake while stopped
- Automatic coupler sounds when changing direction at low speeds
- Automatic brake squeal sounds when decelerating to a stop
- Additional user-defined sounds on F11 and F12
Using this project as a template, it would be simple to substitute your own sounds for the prime mover, horn, bell, etc. The
included sounds are appropriate for an EMD 2nd-generation 645 non-turbo prime mover, found in engines such as the following:
If you encounter any problems with this project, or have any suggestions for future versions, feel free to contact the author,
Alex Stroshane:
This sound project has been assembled from Digitrax-supplied sound clips as well as new sounds from custom recordings.
Additional engine and horn/bell sound clips courtesy of Matt Donnelly, recorded from various prototypes around the Northeast.
Thanks are due to Fred Miller, Bob Grosh, Jim Walton and A.J. Ireland for their prior work in developing sound projects.
------[end SDF/DECODER definition]--------------
SoundLoader Software
Using your PR3 programmer and SoundLoader Software, it’s quick and easy to download sound project files into your Digitrax FX decoders.
Format Information
With Digitrax Sound FX decoders and downloadable sound project files (.spj), you can download your choice of sound schemes into any Sound FX equipped locomotive. You can use spj’s that are available for free, you can modify those schemes or you can create your own!
Sound Decoders
Digitrax offers a wide variety of Sound FX decoders to fit many different locomotives. You’ll need to have a Digitrax SFX decoder installed to take advantage of using .spj files.
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