BR Class 33 Type 3 Diesel Locomotive

These Diesel Locomotives where built by the Birmingham Railway Carriage and Wagon Company between 1960-1962. 98 in total were produced. It was classified as a Type 3 BO BO fitted with a Sulzer 8LDA28 Prime Mover of 1550bhp and had a maximum speed of 85mph.
Sound Projects
SDF: 2nd Generation Diesel reworked by Dave C; Converted by Barry T Gaskin Intermediate Authors: John McMasters : Tim
BR Class 33 Notching Project 12/4/2014
Project: BRclass33_DN5_4chnl_x6
SDF: 2nd Generation Diesel reworked by Dave C; Converted by Barry T Gaskin Intermediate Authors: John McMasters : Tim
SDF: BRclass33_DN5_4chnl_x6
BASE CODE: DN5 -- Discrete Notching 1-5
SOUND SET: BR Class 33 44KHz
Author: Barry T Gaskin
SCHEME1: BR Class 33
BRclass33_DN5_4chnl_x6.SPJ Version 1.1
This is the Sound Definition Langauge (SDL) file for a project that can be
used for a typical diesel locomotive. Supported
sound effects include bell, dynamic brakes, air brake system,
and coupler crash.
CV155 Notching mode should(must) be =1: 0 = Auto, 1 = Semi auto, 2 = Manual [1]
1) disabled fans with FEATURE_DISABLE bit3 due to high noise distortion 6/9/2013
1) Use 4 channels (voices) avoiding previous version
2) Assign large 44KHz 16bit sound samples for best
audio results
3) optional startup sounds disable when F0 is on
4) Feature disable CV169 is HEX values to disable features like HEP mode:
bit0 disable HEP diesel ARTICULATED steam
bit1 disable hard automatic braking
bit2 disable startup sounds
bit3 disable Fans
bit4 disable toots on direction change
bit5 disable grade crossing random play
bit6 disable bell
bit7 fuel prime once for Gen1 diesels OR
multiple start warning bells Gen2
6) F21-F28 Select Notch 1-8
(A) Function Key Usage:
F0- Lights [disables start up sounds when on during initialization]
F1- Shut down Engine
F2- Horn CV150 selects Horn type
F3- Horn 2
F4- Air features disable F4 is ON =disable AIR sound/FEATURES, trig BLOWOFF/drier then compressor ONE time
[F4 off enables pop-off, drier and compressor]
F5- Air Brake release [Leave on to sound each time before moving off] :
F6- Notch UP F6 is ON trig BLOWOFF/drier then compressor ONE time /NOTCH UP...
IF any manual notching: F6 is NOTCH UP and F7 is NOTCH DOWN!!
F7- Notch down [If CV155 is not 00 F7 is CROSSING HORN WHEN
AUTOMATIC notching selected in SCV155=0]
F7 ON Is now notch down for EVENT, integrate -VE in SPEED_DELTA
F8- Mute control [F8 to ON is muted to CV volume, F8 off, set REG volume]
F9- Brake squeal [Leave F9 OFF for auto brakes]
F10- [Coupling]
F11- Handbrake sequence [Handbrake while stopped] Handbrake loop will play until F11 Off
F12- [Tyre squeal] (continuous when moving)
F13- UNCoupling
F14- [Cab door]
F14- [Cab door]
F16- Toggle OFF plays directional toots
F17- BoxCar Boom
F21-F28 Select Notch 1-8 7/17/2013
(B) Diesel Sound FX defined CV's: [decoder CV8=8 reset value in brackets]
CV58 Master Volume, 0-15, 0= max, (F8 used for Mute) [7]
CV60 Scheme select CV, 0=Steam [0]
CV122 Product TYpe, 12 = Digitrax SFX sound decoder Read Only Value
CV123 Hardware Version Read Only Value
CV132 Diesel Notch rate 64-120 [71]
CV133 Steam Chuff/CAM config, 128=>EXT cam, 1-127=>DRIVER dia in inches[63]
CV134 Steam gear ratio trim, 32=100% ratio, [32]
CV135 Volume when Muted 0-64 [0]
CV139 Set to trigger distance event 0-64 [30]
CV140 Prime Mover Volume 0-64 [50]
CV141 Bell Volume 0-64 [41]
CV142 Horn Volume 0-64 [53]
CV143 AIR feature volume, drier, compressor, brake release Air sounds Volume 0-64 [59]
CV144 Dynamic brake volume 0-64 DIESEL DYNAMIC brake volume [60]
CV145 Miscellaneous volume 0-64 [58]
CV146 Delay between Bells 1-100 [09]
CV147 Time between Drier cycles Users normally reset drier rate to 10 or more [22]
CV148 Time between Compressor cycles [30]
CV149 Compressor run time [24]
CV150 HORN selector- 0=normal 2=playable default 0 [00]
CV151 Speed limit FOR AUTOMATIC COUPLER/BRAKE on DIR chng. about 1/2MPH per unit [35]
CV152 defines USER code for this SDF
CV154 STEAM blowdown volume [45]
CV155 fact default is AUTO NOTCHING; CV54 needs to be zero for F7 Notch UP [00]
CV156 is 540mS HORN delay for SHORT [20]
CV157 is FOR bell selection [00]
CV158 is
CV159 is
CV160 is VARIANT id
CV161 Power Reverser volume 0-64 [40]
CV162 Grate Shaker Volume 0-64 [64]
CV163 Water fill/Coal fill Volume 0-64 [54]
CV164 Compressor Volume 0-64 [60]
CV165 Steam Boiler Volume Diesel Fan Volume 0-64 [40]
CV166 Coupler Slack Volume 0-64 [32]
CV167 User Defined sounds 21-28 Volumes 0-64 [32]
CV168 Stoker Volume 0-64 [32]
CV169 is HEX values to disable features like HEP mode:
; bit0 disable ARTICULATED steam HEP diesel
; bit1 disable hard automatic braking
; bit2 disable startup sounds
; bit3 disable Fans
; bit4 disable toots on direction change
; bit5 disable grade crossing random play
; bit6 disable bell
; bit7 fuel prime once for Gen1 diesels OR multiple start warning bells Gen2
CV170 Safety Run Time 0-64 [32]
CV171 ALT HORN volume 0-64 [60]
CV172 Water Pump Cycle Time 0-64 [19]
CV173 Cutoff Speed for Auto Cyl. blow down 0-64 [32]
CV174 Air Compressor run time 0-255 [10]
CV175 Stoker/oil pump run time 0-255 [20]
CV176 F28_user run time scattered sounds 0-255 [20]
(C) General Notes
This is a functional tested version of a project using individual sound recordings for each prime mover notch setting. These
prime mover sounds can be played in three modes determined by CV155: automatic, semi-automatic and manual notching. In auto
mode, the prime mover notch is determined by the current speed setting, and is adjustable using CV132. In semi-auto mode,
the same is true but it is possible to "throttle up" to higher notches using F6 and F7, if you want your engine to sound
like it is working harder. Manual mode offers full control of the notch setting using F6 and F7, so you can throttle down
to idle and turn on dynamic braking while coasting downgrade.
Other features available in this project include:
- Automatic grade crossing horn sequence with bell
- Optional highball and backup horn signals while stopped
- Dynamic brakes at speed or standing
- handbrake while stopped
- Automatic coupler sounds when changing direction at low speeds
- Automatic brake squeal sounds when decelerating to a stop
- Manual brake squeal on F9 and moving
- Additional user-defined sounds on F14 and F15
This sound project has been assembled from Digitrax-supplied sound clips as well as new sounds from custom recordings.
Additional custom 16bit 44KHz files were used to edit individual sound fragments (WAV files for each file handle).
It will be a copyrighted project on acceptance by Digitrax.
Thanks are due to A.J. Ireland for their prior work in developing sound projects.
** Switching speed is enabled by setting CV 54 to 1 with back EMF or 3 without back EMF
For CV155=01 ["Semi_automatic Notching"], the Prime mover lowest Notch setting is set by
the throttle speed setting. F6 (ON) can increase the Notch and F7 (ON) will decrease the
Prime mover to the minimum notch set by current throttle setting.
The sound volume is controlled by Master Volume CV58 as well as any individual sound
volume CVs. The Default for CV58 is 5 but can be set 0-15 from a Throttle or the sim-
ulated throttle in SoundLoader. Individual sound volume CVs can be set 0-64.
Problems and exceptions:
Default is CV132=127 but that bunches the notches at the lower portion
of the throttle range. 72-127 or higher is OK when your motor takes very little current.
A value of 71 will spread the notches across the whole range, but may leave your
engine moving too fast. It should run at scale speeds and notch.
------[end SDF/DECODER definition]--------------
SoundLoader Software
Using your PR3 programmer and SoundLoader Software, it’s quick and easy to download sound project files into your Digitrax FX decoders.
Format Information
With Digitrax Sound FX decoders and downloadable sound project files (.spj), you can download your choice of sound schemes into any Sound FX equipped locomotive. You can use spj’s that are available for free, you can modify those schemes or you can create your own!
Sound Decoders
Digitrax offers a wide variety of Sound FX decoders to fit many different locomotives. You’ll need to have a Digitrax SFX decoder installed to take advantage of using .spj files.
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