Baltimore & Ohio EM-1 2-8-8-4 Yellowstone

The B&O took delivery of 30 Class EM-1 Yellowstones in 1944 and 1945, the largest number and the smallest of this type built by Baldwin as well as the most modern.
The EM-1 produced 115,000 pounds-force (510 kN) of tractive effort on 64-inch (1.6 m) drivers with 235 pounds per square inch (1.62 MPa) steam pressure and four 24-by-32-inch (0.61 by 0.81 m) cylinders. Approximately 5,900 Boiler Horsepower. The tender carried 22,000 US gallons (83 m3) of water and 25 tons of coal. The engine weighed 627,000 pounds (284 t) while the tender weighed 328,000 pounds (149 t) for a combined 1,010,700 pounds (458.4 t). Nothing bigger could operate within the tunnel clearances and track restrictions on the B&O's Main Line.
Power type: Steam
Builder: Baldwin Locomotive Works
Build date: 1944(20)1945 (10)
Total produced: 30
Configuration: 2-8-8-4
UIC classification: (1'D)D2'
Gauge: 4 ft 8 1/2 in (1,435 mm)
Leading wheel diameter : 30 in (762 mm)
Driver diameter: 64 in (1,626 mm)
Trailing wheel diameter: 38 in (965 mm)
Wheelbase: 81 ft 6.7 in (24,859 mm)
Length Locomotive: 83 ft 2.9 in (25.37 m)
Overall: 128 ft 8 in (39.22 m)
Width: 11 ft (3.4 m)
Height: 16 in (0.41 m)
Weight on drivers: 485,000 lb (220 t)
Locomotive weight: 627,000 lb (284 t)
Tender weight: 328,000 lb (149 t)
Locomotive & tender combined weight: 1,010,700 lb (458.4 t)
Fuel type: Coal
Fuel capacity: 25 tons
Water capacity: 22,000 US gal (83 m3)
Boiler: 941/8 in (2.39 m) dia.
Boiler pressure: 235 psi (1.62 MPa)
Feedwater heater: Worthington
Firegrate area: 117.5 ft (35.8 m)
Heating surface: Firebox 228 by 96 in (5.8 by 2.4 m) with a 90 in (2.3 m) long combustion chamber
Superheater type: Type "E"
Cylinders: Four
Cylinder size: 24 by 32 in (0.61 by 0.81 m)
Tractive effort: 115,000 lbf (510 kN)
Factor of adhesion: 4.22
Career: Baltimore & Ohio Railroad (B&O)
Class: EM-1
Number: 7600–7629 later 650–679
Last run : April 19, 1960
Preserved: 0
Disposition: All thirty scrapped by 1960
Sound Projects
This Project for the B&O EM-1 is unique because it contains an extra chuff in voice 2, this allows the chuff sounds to vary and they may not be in sync with the front cylinders. In addition special whistles and a horn have been added.
The EM-1 was coal burning. So, the coal fill, grate and shovel sounds are also included.
Chuff sounds vary with load (volts) and peak speed (delay and volume) Air pump sounds vary (pitch) depending on the air need.
Baseline Steam Project 3/22/2013
Project: baseline Steam
SDF: myArticulated1 ver 1
Author: John McMasters
Generic heavy steam loco use to replace your sounds for your specific model.
B&O EM-1 2-8-8-4 Yellowstone
Power type Steam
Builder Baldwin Locomotive Works
Build date 1944(20)1945 (10)
Total produced 30
UIC classification
4 ft 8 1/2 in (1,435 mm)
Leading wheel
diameter 30 in (762 mm)
64 in (1,626 mm)
Trailing wheel
diameter 38 in (965 mm)
81 ft 6.7 in (24,859 mm)
Length Locomotive: 83 ft 2.9 in (25.37 m)
128 ft 8 in (39.22 m)
Width 11 ft (3.4 m)
Height 16 in (0.41 m)
Weight on drivers 485,000 lb (220 t)
Locomotive weight 627,000 lb (284 t)
Tender weight 328,000 lb (149 t)
Locomotive & tender
combined weight 1,010,700 lb (458.4 t)
Fuel type Coal
Fuel capacity 25 tons
Water capacity 22,000 US gal (83 m3)
Boiler 941/8 in (2.39 m) dia.
Boiler pressure 235 psi (1.62 MPa)
Feedwater heater
Firegrate area 117.5 ft (35.8 m)
Heating surface:
Firebox 228 by 96 in (5.8 by 2.4 m) with a 90 in (2.3 m) long combustion chamber
Superheater type Type "E"
Cylinder size
24 by 32 in (0.61 by 0.81 m)
Tractive effort
115,000 lbf (510 kN)
Factor of
Career Baltimore & Ohio Railroad (B&O)
Number 7600–7629 later 650–679
Last run April 19, 1960
Preserved 0
Disposition All thirty scrapped by 1960.
Attempt to play cyl2 chuffs in another voice.
New Features:
g) on reversal clash with F15 and/or F11 is
on [F15 off + F11 off = no extra sounds]
[F15 on + F11 on = all extra sounds]
[F11 controls auto clash and uncouple]
[F15 controls auto clash]
h) auto rod clank cyl blow down (steam cocks open)
will coast after deceleration for up to 5 cycles playing ALT_RC
i) coal grate
j) coal chute
k) auto brake on decelerate (two rates hard and short)
F9 Leave on to enable auto brakes
(i.e. when stopped turn F9 on, will not sound when not moving,
then with F9 still on when decel happens brakes will sound)
m) added cyl2 chuffs
(see all features below);
(A) Function Key Usage:
F0- Lights
F1- Bell
F2- Horn/Whistle [CV150 selects Horn/Whistle type]
F3- Coupler crash
F4- Coal Fill [looping while F4 ON]
F5- Steam= Waterpump turbine
F6- Bell and [This project changes F6 for switch speed.
With F6 on the motor will be slowed by about half when CV54=1.
Bell is disabled by F20
F7- Steam=Blowdown ; if CV155 is not 0
F8- Mute control, [F8 ON is muted.]
F9- Brake squeal till stopped -- Leave on to enable auto brakes
F10- Crossing gate Whistle sequence
F11- Water Tank Fill [looping while F11 ON]
F12- Wheel Squeal
F13- Steam=Safety Blowoff
F14- Cylinder Blow Down [F14 ON will disable cyl. blowdown ]
F15- UNCoupling [Leave on for auto toots]
F16- Stoker, shovel [Grate is on when F23 OFF]
F17- BOX car Boom
F18- Steam Greaser
F19- Coal Grate Shaker
F20- Air feature disable- F20 OFF enables pop-off,starts airpump
F21- Disable BELL for switcher mode F6, TOOTS for exit idle
F22- Disable WHISTLE on distance event
F23- Select Coal Stoker when OFF
F24- Crossing gate Whistle sequence; Steam=Wheelslip, ;if CV155 is not 0
F25- Disable hard auto brake
(B) Steam Sound FX defined CV's: [decoder CV8=8 reset value in brackets]
CV58 Master Volume, 0-15, 0= max, (F8 used for Mute) [9]
CV60 Scheme select CV, 0=Steam [0]
CV122 Product TYpe, 12 = Digitrax SFX sound decoder Read Only Value
CV123 Hardware Version, 17= SDH104K1 decoder Read Only Value
CV132 Diesel Notch rate [127]
CV133 Steam Chuff/CAM config, 128=>EXT cam, 1-127=>DRIVER dia in inches[63]
CV134 Steam gear ratio trim, 32=100% ratio, [32]
CV135 Volume when Muted 0-64 [30]
User configurable SoundCV's:
CV140 PRIME mover Chuff vol 0-64 [60]
CV141 BELL vol 0-64 [25]
CV142 WHISTLE vol 0-64 [60]
CV143 Air features vol(popoff,airpump)0-64 [30]
CV144 Water Pump Cycle Time [9]
CV145 Misc vols 0-64 [40]
CV146 BELL delay (24mS counts) 1-100 [7]
CV147 Drier rate, (1= about 2secs) 1-64 [2] Also starting steam cock open/close (about 24)
CV148 Airpump Start rate [30]
CV149 Airpump run time [20]
CV150 Whistle Selector,0=std , 1=Playable volume 2=Alternate [0]
CV151 PEAK speed to allow AUTO coupler/brake on DIR change and F3 on. 0-60 [48]
CV152 Author ID Digitrax=0xFB/251 [251]
CV153 Project ID Steam0 ver10 [0]
CV154 Steam Blowdown/Safety vol 0-64 [60]
CV155 Notching/Slip Mode,0=AUTO, 1=SEMIAUTO,2=MANUAL NOTCHES [0]
[max cv for extraction is 155. So, CVs below have been removed]
na: CV156 Master StartUP Volume 0-220 [2]
na: CV161A1 Power Reverser volume 0-64 [40]
na: CV162A2 Grate Shaker Volume 0-64 [64]
na: CV163A3 Water fill/Coal fill Volume 0-64 [24]
na: CV164A4 Brakes Volume 0-64 [32]
na: CV165A5 Steam Boiler Volume 0-64 [32]
na: CV166A6 Coupler Slack Volume 0-64 [32]
na: CV167A7 Cutoff Speed for Auto Cyl. blow down 0-64 [32]
na: CV168A8 Stoker Volume 0-64 [32]
na: CV169A9 User Defined sounds 21-28 Volumes 0-64 [32]
na: CV170AA Enable/Disable auto brake squeal 0-1 [1]
na: CV171AB Enable/Disable auto Compressor from scatter sounds 0-1 [1]
na: CV172AC Enable/Disable auto Coal Stoker from scatter sounds 0-1 [1]
na: CV173AD Enable/Disable auto F28_user from scatter sounds 0-1 [0]
na: CV174AE Air Compressor run time 0-255 [10]
na: CV175AF Stoker/oil pump run time 0-255 [20]
na: CV176B0 F28_user run time scattered sounds 0-255 [20]
(C) General Notes
Low speed: A standing Locomotive collects condensed water in its cylinder as trapped steam cools. Since it isn't
Compressible, this water can blow out a cylinder head when the engine starts.
To avoid this ,the engineer first opens valves called cylinder cocks under each end of the
cylinders(sometimes in the middle too ). Then when the engine starts,the exhaust steam comes
Whoooshing out of the cylinder cocks with the condensate instead of chugging up the stack.
Engines doing this spray steam from under their cylinder.
The starting steam cock open is controlled by CV147 (about =14) since steam loco has no drier.
All sounds taken from existing sound projects.
------[end Steam SDF/DECODER definition]--------------
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