ALCO RS32 #30 Diesel

The ALCO RS-32 (DL 721) is a diesel-electric locomotive of which 35 were produced by ALCO between June 1961 and June 1962 for two customers: the New York Central Railroad and the Southern Pacific Company.
Power type: Diesel-electric
Builder: ALCO
Model: RS-32
Build date: June 1961 - June 1962
Total produced: 35
AAR wheel arr.: B-B
Gauge: 4 ft 8 1⁄2 in (1,435 mm)
Prime mover: Alco 251C
Cylinders: V12
Cylinder size: 9 in × 10.5 in (229 mm × 267 mm)
Transmission: Electric
Power output: 2,000 hp (1,500 kW)
Sound Projects
Digitrax ALCO RS32 #30 Diesel Scheme Copyright (c) Digitrax Inc. July 8th 2007 This sound recording courtesy of Arkansas and Missouri Railway Short Line Scenic railroad and Kenny the Maintenance Manager, Visit arranged by Loy Spurlock. All sounds recorded by AJ Ireland at Springdale AR, June 23rd 2007.
Digitrax RS32 #30 Sound scheme. Copright (c) Digitrax Inc. July 8th 2007
project: RS32.spj
SW1 SDF: ALCO RS32 #30 Diesel Scheme
Author AJ Ireland
Digitrax Inc.
(A) Function Key Usage:
F0- Lights
F1- Bell
F2- Horn, [CV150 selects Horn type]
F3- Coupler crash [Autocoupler/brake set by CV151 max spd]
F4- Air feature disable- F4 to OFF enables pop-off,drier and starts compressor
F5- Handbrake feature
F6- Manual Notch UP, if CV155 is not 00
F7- Crossing Gate Airhorn - or Manual Notch DOWN, if CV155 is not 00
F8- Mute control, [F8 ON is muted.]
F9- Engine Brake squeal
F10- Crossing gate Airhorn sequence
F11- SW1 sanding cycle
F12- SW1 cab door closing
(B) ALCO RS32 Sound FX defined CV's: [decoder CV8=8 Factory reset value in sq. brackets]
CV58 Master Volume, 0-15, 0= max, (F8 used for Mute) [9]
CV122 Product TYpe, 12 = Digitrax SFX sound decoder (Read Only Value)
CV123 Hardware Version (Read Only Value)
CV132 Notch rate [127]
CV135 Volume when Muted [00]
User configurable SoundCV's:
CV140 PRIME mover vol 0-64 [60]
CV141 BELL vol 0-64 [25]
CV142 WHISTLE volume 0-64 [60]
CV143 Air features volume (popoff, drier,comp) 0-64 [30]
CV145 Misc vols 0-64 [40]
CV146 BELL delay (24mS counts) 1-100 [7]
CV147 Drier rate, 1= about 2secs 1-64 [2]
CV148 Compressor Start rate [30]
CV149 COMPRESSOR ON time [20]
CV150 Horn Selector 0=std RS32 Horn , 1=Playable volume Horn 2=Alternate Horn [0]
CV151 PEAK speed to allow AUTO coupler/brake on DIR change and F3 on. 0-60 [48]
CV152 Author ID Digitrax=0xdd [221]
CV153 Project ID RS32 [10]
CV154 Unused
CV155 Notching Mode,0=AUTO, 1=SEMIAUTO,2=MANUAL NOTCHES [0]
(C) General Notes
This sound recording courtesy of Arkansas and Missouri Railway Short Line Scenic railroad and Kenny the
Maintenance Manager,
Visit arranged by Loy Spurlock.
All sounds recorded by AJ Ireland at Springdale AR, June 23rd 2007.
Note: This RS32 prime mover has significant low-frequency components at idle and low notch settings,
so the speaker enclosures should be as large as possible behind the diaphragm to extend adequate frequency response below
e.g. 300Hz. This will ensure a more "full" sound that does not appear thin or "tinny".
Each engine we have recorded has a distinct 'personality', so a particular locomotive example may sound slightly different
due to unique e.g. tappet, crank-rate shell vibrations and exhaust-stack differences. Horns and bells are often moved between locomotives, and
some roads may change/upgrade prime-movers, or change a normally aspirated engine with turbo-chargers etc.
Recording aspect and location reverberation also significantly affect the final sound scheme impact.
For CV155=01 ["Semi_automatic Notching"], the Prime mover lowest Notch setting is set by
the throttle speed setting. F6 (ON) can increase the Notch and F7 (ON) will decrease the Prime mover
to the minimum notch set by current throttle setting.
If you leave F5 on, you can wind the engine handbrake forever!!
------[end RS32 SDF/DECODER definition]--------------
SoundLoader Software
Using your PR3 programmer and SoundLoader Software, it’s quick and easy to download sound project files into your Digitrax FX decoders.
Format Information
With Digitrax Sound FX decoders and downloadable sound project files (.spj), you can download your choice of sound schemes into any Sound FX equipped locomotive. You can use spj’s that are available for free, you can modify those schemes or you can create your own!
Sound Decoders
Digitrax offers a wide variety of Sound FX decoders to fit many different locomotives. You’ll need to have a Digitrax SFX decoder installed to take advantage of using .spj files.
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