Engine House Hobbies

Phone: 301-590-0816




Store Hours
Sun 12:00 -5:00,  Mon - closed,  Tues - Fri 10:00-6:00,  Sat 10:00-5:00

Engine House Hobbies is located at the corner of East Diamond Avenue and Chestnut Street at the entrance to historic  Old Towne Gaithersburg, Maryland. The building is an old restored cannery serviced by the B&O railroad (now CSX) along the mainline out of Washington DC going west. As such, it is an ideal location to come and watch many of the CSX freight, AMTRAK passenger and MARC commuter trains from inside or outside the store. Or, simply watch the trains run on the in store 7' x 10' layout.  Train watchers of all ages welcome. Buyers appreciated